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I'm really sorry for the short chapter. This one will be good. Thank you to all the readers. And I hope you're all loving Made In The AM. The album is amazing. Tell me which is your favorite song in the album by commenting below. Love you all.


Elizabeth's pov

"Just so you know, Elizabeth, you are not allowed to enter without wearing your mask." Paul said and left me right in front of the entrance door.

"Elizabeth, hey." I heard a familiar Irish accent.

"Hello, Niall." I greeted.

"You look stunning." He said and I laughed.

"Oh thank you. You look nice too." I complimented.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked.

"Umm.... No, not really." I replied unsure.

"Then let's put on our masks and get inside." He said and I agreed.

We both put on our masks and I held his arm from my right hand and held my dress from my left hand.

"Nialler, don't let me fall." I said in a serious tone.

"Chill out, will you?" He said and laughed.

We entered into a massive hall.... Ballroom. It was beautiful. It was decorated with silk curtains and more royal decorations. There were red, pink and blue light effects. The room was looking absolutely incredible. There was soft music playing in the background for the time being till all the time all the people arrive.

"Its beautiful." I told Niall.

"Yes, it really is." He said admiring the beauty of the ballroom.

"So... You and Liam huh?" He smiled and asked.

"No... What are you talking about?" I widened my eyes.

"Come on, I know you like him." Be teased.

"Hmm... Maybe, maybe not." I said and rolled my eyes.

"See, I knew it." He said. "Anyways, you both look cute together." He complimented.

"Thanks, but are not together....not yet." I mumbled.

"Not yet but soon you will be." He said.

"Speaking of Liam, where is he?" I asked.

"He has to make the special entry, you know." He says.

"Oh." I nodded my head. "Well, I guess he's coming... Look." I said pointing towards the large door.

"Yes." Niall agreed.

"And now ladies and gentlemen please welcome the King of England, Geoff Payne, the queen, Karen Payne and the Prince of England, Liam Payne." The announcer said through the mic.

Just the two words of his name sent shivers down my spine. Liam Payne what are you doing to me?

The King, Queen and Liam smiled and waved at everyone and damn.... Liam was looking so handsome with that mask on. Honestly, I've never been so much in love before.

Prince Liam. (A Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now