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How was the previous chapter? Man! I love Liam James Payne. Thanks to all the reader who are reading this. I love you all!

Liam's pov

As soon as I went back to my room I couldn't stop thinking about Dawn but then it hit me.... She flinched as I held her wrist. Why? Does she cut?

I soon fell asleep thinking about her.


Elizabeth's pov

I woke up the next morning with someone shaking me.
"What is it?" I asked in a sleepy tone.
"Good morning, Miss Elizabeth, its time to wake up." Martha said.
"Yeah. Okay." I said and got up.
"I have prepared things for your bath and your clothes for today are also kept neatly. I shall be off now, Miss, I have got some errands to run." She said.
"Okay, Martha." I said and got up from the bed.
I heard a slight knock in my door.
"Its opened." I said.
"Morning, sweetie." I heard a familiar voice which belonged to my father.
"Dad." I got up and hugged him.
"Good morning." I added.
"Elizabeth, I'm worried for you." He said and sighed.
"What for?" I asked and bit my lip as hard as I could and forced back my tears.
"Darling, you need to eat something. Please." He said and rubbed my back.
I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst out in fits of tears.
"Her words keep echoing in my mind, Dad." I cried.
"You've got to stop thinking about it, honey. You don't see how skinny you are." He said and enveloped me in a hug.
"Please try, for me?" He pleaded.
"I will try for you." I said.
"Can we drop this topic now?" I asked.
"Of course." He said and gave me a sad smile. "So, did you like Liam?" He asked me.
"Oh yes, he is nice and dad, I've only known him for a day." I said and he chuckled.
"But thank god you both get along well." He said and grinned.
"Yes, we do. He introduced me to some of his friends yesterday." I said.
"Oh yes, I know them. Niall, Harry, Louis and Zayn. Am I right?" He asked and smirked and I nodded.
"But dad." I said. "You did not tell me anything about staying here for a month." I said.
"Ah, that. Well, yes, we will be staying here for a month or maybe even more. Because I was thinking that there is this royal ball coming up so, I thought you would like to attend it." He said.
"Well, that is very thoughtful of you. I will stay." I said and we both laughed.
"Well, I should be going now. Geoff might be looking for me." He said.
"Okay, dad." I said.
He went out of the room and I entered the bathroom for bath.
I unwrapped the bandage from my arm which I put last night. The cuts had started to heal.
I quickly took bath and wrapped myself in a soft creamish colored towel and came out of the bathroom.
"Dawn, I was wondering if....holy shit..." It was Liam.
I stood there stunned. How didn't I just lock the room? He went out and shut the the door. I ran behind the door and twisted the door knob.
"What is it, Liam?" I asked totally mortified.
"I am really sorry." He apologized awkwardly.
"Its alright." I said from the other side of the door. "So, what did you have to say?" I asked him.
"W-Well, I was wondering if I could....if I could show you around the castle after breakfast?" He asked.
"S-Sure." I said.
"Sorry once again, Dawn." He apologized.
"Its alright." I said.
I locked the door properly and squealed in embarrassment.
"Why me?" I said loudly.
I sighed loudly and went to the closet.
The Prince of England literally saw me in just my towel. How mortifying could my life get? This sucks big time.

I wore my clothes and it actually fit me perfectly. The lace covered my cuts and scars on my hand for which I was really thankful. (A/n outfit on the top)
"Miss, are you ready yet?" I heard Paul knocking at the door.
"Yes, Paul, I will be out in a minute." I said.
"Okay, miss." He said.
I curled my hair slightly and applied some natural makeup. I wore the heels and got out of my room.
"Good morning, Paul." I greeted.
"Good morning, Miss Elizabeth." He greeted back.
"Please just call me Elizabeth." I said.
Paul nodded and lead me down the corridors to the dining hall.
"Thank you." I said and he smiled.
I went inside and saw none other than the prince himself, sitting on the couch doing something on his phone.
He was wearing black colored T-shirt which had three buttons on the collar part and showed the shape of his perfect muscular body and he wore skinny jeans which fit him perfectly.
I unlocked my phone and saw a few texts from Celeste. I decided to reply to them later.
"Mind if I sit here?" I asked him.
He looked up and widened his eyes.
"Dawn, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." He said. "Please, have a seat." He motioned me to sit down.
"Thank you." I said.
"You look lovely." He said.
"You look beautiful." I joked.
"Really?" He asked and I nodded.
"You look just like a princess." I said and he laughed.
"Well, I should be saying that to you." He said and looked directly in my eyes.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
"Well, its only us both for now. And only mom, dad, you, me and Edward will be the only ones for breakfast, so no worries." He replied.
"Well, about earlier, Dawn, I am extremely sorry. I didn't meant to just barge into your room like that." He apologized.
"Liam, its fine really." I said and kept my hand over his and gave him a soft smile.
Liam and I had a little conversation until everybody arrived.
"Morning, Elizabeth.", The king and the queen both greeted me.
"Good morning, your majesty", I stammered.
"What did I tell you about that?", The king said.
"Okay, good morning, Geoff. Good morning, Karen.", I said.
"Hmm better.", He said and we both laughed.
We sat down at our places for breakfast.
"Well, I hope Liam isn't bothering you a lot, Elizabeth.", Karen said.
"No, he is not.", I said shyly.
"I am actually going to show Dawn around the castle today", Liam said. "Elizabeth", He corrected himself.
"Dawn, I see." Geoff said slyly wiggling his eyebrows toward me and Liam.
"Dad." Liam said and shook his head.
Geoff was the coolest and the best king I had ever seen. And my favorite person EVER!
"Would you like to have this, miss Elizabeth?" The same butler from last night asked me.
"No, I'd just like some tea." I said politely.
"Sure, Miss." He said and poured me a cup of hot tea.
"That's it?" Liam asked shocked.
"Yes, I'm not hungry." I lied.
My father looked at me with concern.
"If you say so." Liam said, not sounding convinced at all.

Prince Liam. (A Liam Payne fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now