Chapter 24

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There's nothing I love more than to listen to loud music while driving down the highway with my hand out the window playing in the hot breeze. Despite the fact that it's December and there should be at least a little bit of snow to be seen, I'm definitely getting used to the summer-like weather all year around. I was never much of a winter lover anyways, so feeling the breeze on my hand and the wind blowing through my hair, has almost never felt better than at this particular moment.

What makes this moment even better, is the fact that I'm sitting next to Harry in his entirely perfect car and I'm listening to him sing along to the Mariana's Trench song that's blasting through the speakers on our way to a location I'm very unaware of, to have our first official date.

He says that our double date with Astrid and Blake would never, in his books, be classified as our first date, because it was ruined by Ruby in more ways than one, and I deserved better than that. And as he explained that this was the reason he picked where we were going, he said that nothing could possibly ruin this first date of ours and he promised it would be perfect.

I'm still not sure where we're headed to. I hate that he wont tell me, especially because while we were out to lunch this afternoon with Astrid, he whispered his plans in her ear and I had to watch as she giggled and said it was such a cute idea. She zipped her mouth and threw away the pretend key the way she always did and I knew with that, the secret was going to be kept safe.

I was happy when Harry suggested that the three of us go out for lunch together. It was nice to be reminded of who we were in the beginning when it was just us; the three musketeers. And even though it was only three short months ago that it was just us three for such a short while, those days feel so long ago now. So much has changed since the first couple weeks of school, and as I sat at the table with my two best friends, I realized how much I had changed. When I look back to then, I remember how weak and afraid I was compared to now and the amount of accomplishments I have under my belt since then, is just proof to me that I'm on my way to being the strong person that I want to be.

"Are we there yet?" I ask. We've been driving for a half an hour with still no sign of our destination. I've never been to this area before, so I really haven't a clue as to where it could be that we're going, but I still look out the window in hopes of getting some kind of idea.

"I didn't realize I was taking a five year old on this date!"

"Then just tell me where we're going. This is killing me!"

Harry laughs as he pulls into the parking lot of a warehouse type building. "Calm down. We're here!"

"Moonlight Rollerway," I read off the sign. I look at Harry as a grin instantly forms on my face. "We're going rollerskating?"

He pulls into a parking spot in front of the building and looks at me. "Good choice?"

"Oh my God, you have no idea!" I screech. "This is awesome, Harry! Really!"

Back in Victoria, my friends and I spent a good amount of time at Stardust's Roller Rink. It, for some reason, was the place to go for a long time, whether you went there to roller skate or not. My girl friends would go there to check out cute boys and listen to the music that thumped through the place, while the guys played the arcade games, and I always loved the roller skating part of it all. I spent a good deal of time on the floor roller skating by myself, but I was perfectly okay with that.

As we walk in, I feel like I'm taken back in time. The retro vibe doesn't go unnoticed, with the fifty's diner off to the side, the red and turquoise tile flooring, the arcade room even has old cars coming out of the walls along with pictures of Elvis hanging neatly about. The roller rink is huge and has a few disco balls hanging from the ceiling and twinkle lights line the walls as different colored spotlights move around the room and they're even playing Grease Lightening, even though no one is is roller skating.

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