Primordial Battle

Start from the beginning

"I am the King!" Fallon roared.

"Your are not! Not yet! Not until the ceremony is finished! So listen here boy! You don't have half the age of my experience! Stop issuing meaningless threats and try to become a better King, or you might find yourself never becoming one!" Eriaek cried.

"Is that a threat?" Fallon asked, his voice dangerously low now.

"No it's advice, from someone who has seen you from when you were still a child in a cradle, so take heed boy."

Fallon seemed incensed enough to actually fall silent.

Kashara cheered to herself. It seemed there was someone who could outrank Fallon. She had found the person who could help her escape, it seemed. However he might need a bit of cajoling to actually betray Fallon.

"Kashara come out" Eriaek called.

What!!? No way!! She wasn't coming out till Fallon was at least a light year away from her! She clutched the leg of the table tightly.

"Come out! I promise I won't let him harm you!" Eriaek called again. She sighed. She had to show she trusted him to gain his trust. She emerged from under the table and faced an angry Fallon. Make that a furious and fuming Fallon.

She tilted her head up defiantly, refusing to meet the eyes of a man who could dispose of his people so carelessly.

"Kashara come here!" Fallon chewed out.

She ignored him, standing next to Eriaek. She kept in mind that this was a General, and his influence would probably be very strong here, if her fight escalated into a political war game. She couldn't have chosen a better candidate to support her.

"If your mother were here, she would have clocked you for your lack of manners towards a lady."

"Well, she isn't here! And who's fault is that? By the way, Kashara is probably not a lady in any standard!" Fallon retorted cruelly.

Eriaek seemed slightly stunned and shocked, but he recovered soon. "Perhaps this match is rather ill suited. Maybe it would be better if this was postponed."

"NO!" Fallon cried.

Score one for me! Kashara thought.

"You are involving yourself in my personal affairs! This is a domestic issue!" Fallon cried at Eriaek, daring him to say something.

Kashara couldn't quite believe Fallon had let someone speak against him like this for so long. Eriaek must hold more influence then she had thought. Or Eriaek and Fallon had an enimity that ran deeper.

Eriaek took a look at Fallon's defiant face. He gave a sigh, "Fallon, I have been seeing you grow up since you were born. I can't just stand back when you are going the wrong way about this." He gestured vaguely.

"Your input is not needed. Kashara come here." He demanded imperiously.

Eriaek signalled for her to leave, and Kashara complied, though she was protesting inside. She had hoped for better results, but she took what she got. At least, she knew someone could hold a leash on him.

Fallon grabbed her arm painfully and dragged her out, as she tried to hold in a hiss of pain.

"Just a moment," Eriaek called out from behind them, causing Fallon to pause. "I would advise you against mistreating her. I will know if you have. And you will not like the consequences of that."

Kashara was reeling in shock. Just who was this man, who had the power to openly threaten Fallon and live to see the next second. Not an ordinary General surely...

Fallon stood there for a moment in silence as if contemplating his reply. He finally moved to exit and just when she thought he was not going to reply he spoke.

"I will keep it mind...,Uncle."

And he swept her away.


MUAHAHAHAHAHA. was anyone shocked? > <. Well i didn't really conceal anything. Eriaek reveals his last name in the previous chapter and also appears as Fallon's uncle and General in the first chapter. So I didn't really trick or cheat anyone :). I just relied on human memory. (such a fickle thing isn't it?)

I know maybe this was rather long. ( OKAY YES- it was very long) I am sorry I kept you waiting. I just get carried away reading on wattpad, to write my own story. You know you can't be a good author without being a good reader. And what kind of reader would I be if I left a story without finishing it? *ink on parchment used innocent smile-and it is super effective*

Poor Kashara is now all alone with Fallon. O dear! But somehow I get the feeling some of you actually envy her, than sympathise! Naughty girls! ( and boys?) Fallon bad. Stop trying to jump him. Kashara is feeling the influence of your thoughts, so should I actually be worried for Fallon all alone with Kashara now? MUAHAHAHAHAHA

staytuned for this interesting dynamics between Eriaek and Fallon.

Loki:Hmm this Eriaek guy gets on my nerves.

Tom:You don't even have nerves, you freaky frost giant!"

Loki: Die mortal! (Unleashes the Casket of Winter)

Tom: I am Lord Voldemort! I am immortal!

Loki: Huh, only a mortal could come up with such a pansy name like 'flight from death' what are flying for you overgrown snake? The mistress of death could easily catch up to you and your inane bumbling flight.

Tom: You weird alien freak. Avada Kedavra!

Loki: OOPs missed me. I have a tea appointment with Jane. And nothing can stop me from TEA! TaTa! HEIMDALL!!

Tom: Blast it! I'll get you next time you blue icicle!

till the next chapter.



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