"Alright," I breathed heavily, "now that you all understand me," the weird language just flowed like an elegant river from the recesses of my mouth, "I demand you to hand over my things and return me my riding partner, Linksys."

They stared at me dumbfounded before the blonde boy scoffed.

"You demand?" He laughed mockingly, and I crossed my arms in offense.

"Yes, I do, human. Watch your tongue when speaking to me. Have you not learned that yet?" I tapped my foot impatiently as we had a silent glaring contest.

"Hah," the blonde woman stepped up, two men following behind her in a defensive manner, "interesting indeed. And you're not human?" She looked at me with little belief.

"Me? A human? W-who are you people?" Feeling my credibility as a revered species beginning to dawdle, I lost my confidence and began shrinking back. The people in the room all held amused expressions, as if they were sensing where this was headed.

"Well, miss-"

"Elvinia, Elvinia of Tehlmar Province." My voice must have seemed monotonous to them as it always was. Emotions were no longer of importance to me.

"Miss Elvinia," she continued with a slight smirk, "if you're not a human, what are you, and why did you come to my village harboring a demon that has damaged much of the buildings in the process of apprehending it?!" Her visage gradually took a more angered turn as she interrogated me.

"D-demon? No, Linksys is no demon! He's a very beautiful creature! How dare you insult his species, woman! Where is he?!" Before I could stop myself, I had clenched my fists at my sides, meeting her glare full force. I hadn't realized I'd let my anger go before I felt my eyes burning, signaling they had changed to the fiery red they always did when I was beyond insulted. That's when the two males that must have been her guards held my shoulders back. "Hmf, get your filthy hands off of me." Trying to calm myself, I shook away from them.

Without further thought, I reached for the rare whistle tucked beneath my collar and blew into it. A sound so clear and pure rang through the air, and I could almost feel my partner's anger as he broke free and made his way to me. We had finally earned our freedom. I couldn't stop here. These humans were nothing. If I stopped now, I didn't know how I'd handle it. All I knew was running. No restraints were going to wrap themselves around me this time.

"Stop her! She's calling the beast!" The man with the cigarette was in front of me in a matter of seconds, startling me into dropping the whistle from my mouth. With a quick whip of his hand, the string holding the whistle was ripped from my neck and hit the wall, shattering into a million pieces. My heart stopped as the familiar emptiness immediately grew larger in my chest. That necklace was so special to me, and in the blink of an eye, it was gone. When did humans become this fast? Not to mention, this insensitive?

Holding my steadfast, murderous gaze on the man, I tried my best not to snap his neck right then and there. With a slight edge in my otherwise monotonous tone, I glared at him, "Pray to whatever fictitious gods you worship that I don't annihilate you right now." Defiantly shrinking away from them, I backed up to the window. Their speechlessness was music to my long ears as the tingling sensation intensified, signaling Linksys's approach.

"P-please, wait. You can't leave. You're still a threat to the village. You'll be hunted." The girl from before who had the pink hair, having been silently watching the entire time, stepped up, her jade eyes washed in pity. I bit my lip, feeling my manners getting the best of me.

"However, such gentle kindness, synonymous with what you have displayed, will not go unnoticed, dear one. I bestow upon you my blessing," I slowly bowed my head, sending her my wishes, "may the graces of the pure ancestors be with you." A silence filled the room as the atmosphere calmed and caressed my senses. It was my blessing. I was usually good at fulfilling them. This seemed to be one of my many successful ones.


"Don't pursue me. The darkness of my curses can haunt you, too. I'm pretty good at those as well." With a fiery glare at the rest of them, I quickly jumped from the window before they could catch me. Linksys rushed past the broken window with me in his claws. He was too small for me to ride but was big enough to carry me.

As we soared through the village, many screams were heard as people freaked out below, and I sighed when I realized they were following me again. Jeez, do these people never give up? Since when were they so nimble and fast? I really did fly too far.

The weight of what had happened hit me, and I became lost in thought as the events ran through my mind.

First, I must have seemed so conceited, but back in my land, we held superiority over the humans, so I had never dealt with a situation like that. Is that who I really am? Am I really that conceited? Not that I care what they think of me, but I'm usually better at hiding my emotions.

Then, they acted as if they had no clue what I was. Have they never seen an elf or heard of dragons? And insulting Linksys, I can't stand that. Dragons are very misunderstood, and with the trials Linksys and I have gone through, her stabs had just gotten the better of me.

And after that, my most treasured item was mercilessly taken from me and shattered. It felt as if my heart had shattered along with it. A very special elf had made that for me and would never be able to make another one. It was lost forever.

Before I knew it, a pair of arms wrapped around me as a body slammed me out of Linksys's grasp. The wind was knocked out of me as we rolled over the rooftop, and when we finally stopped, I looked up to see the blonde boy staring down at me disapprovingly. I averted my gaze. There really was no escaping this time. Maybe I should just cooperate. I could easily get away by force. Linksys and I were much too powerful for these humans if I actually tried, but I'd rather not hurt them. Elves may be superior, but I do not believe we should abuse our reverence. We're basically worshipped for our kindness, after all. I must restore that in this land.

"So, you're not going to resist this time?" He looked at me curiously as he stood me up by the arm and tied my hands behind me. I shook my head solemnly, and Linksys landed behind us. The boy turned around swiftly, brandishing one of those weird throwing knives.

"Wait, no," I hurriedly got in front of him, "please don't hurt him. I promise he's no demon. He'll only hurt someone if I command." I looked at him daringly, and he seemed to understand as he lowered his guard with a hesitant expression.

"Alright, come with me then, and bring whatever that thing is." He took my arm once more, and I turned to a whimpering Linksys.

"Linksys, vehemeh vwon." (Level one.) I commanded, and his now miniature body jumped to my shoulder, his tail laying around my neck.

"Woah! Cool! He can switch sizes?" The boy suddenly became interested and looked at me cheerfully. It was the first smile I had seen from the people here, and I felt a little bit of relief wash over me.

"Yes, as you can clearly see." I didn't feel the need to elaborate. He was probably just trying to pry information from me by pretending to befriend me and gain my trust. I was too used to betrayal to return his enthusiasm and go along with the game. He most likely sensed my negativity and lack of interest, so he kept quiet the whole way to our destination.

"Oh," we stopped in front of a tall, red building, "one more question before I take you in there." He looked at me, and I nodded for him to continue. "U-um, why'd you kiss Kakashi-sensei?" He chuckled awkwardly, waiting for my reply.

"Kiss? What is this kiss you speak of?"

"You know. . . when you – uh – put your lips on his. Weren't you k-kissing him?" His cheeks took on a red hue, but I had no idea what a kiss was. I was merely learning the language. Wasn't that normal?

"Kiss? No, I don't know what a kiss is. I did that to learn your people's language. It's a common gesture. Doesn't everyone do it to learn a language quickly?" I peered at him with a questioning gaze. He averted his eyes as his cheeks flushed even darker.

"Uh. . . no." His curt reply left me bewildered as we awkwardly climbed the steps toward the entrance.

A kiss? I have heard of these things from my father, but he would always avoid the topic if I asked. Was it me? Did I do something wrong? I must learn what this kiss is and what I did this time.

Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKASHIxOC]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα