Chapter 14

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With the tug of her shoes, she was ready to go. "Robin? Wanna tie my shoes? I'm lazy." She stated, holding a leg out to him. The smile she had, was absolutely adorable. She knew he'd have a hard time denying her.

"Fine, but we gotta leave fast. They just showed up!" He stated, tying her shoes quickly. Once she was satisfied, she clutched his bicep. Another smile at her lips.

"Let's move out!" Holding her key in her hand as she marched out the door, Robin in tow. With a twist of her key, she locked the door behind them. Trotting down and out the building. The bird had trouble keeping up with her, she was ridiculously pent up over this food. "Well, come on! There they are!"

Within about 10 minutes, they could read the sign clearly, the neon lights were in fact, bright and humming. Through the window, the rest of their team could be seen, drinks in front of them and menus still present.
With grace, Richard smoothly opened the door for Jade. The action made her giggle, "Why thank you, kind sir." She jokes as she walked in, pausing for him to follow her in.

The warm air enveloped them both, Jade sighed in relief. "I can feel my fingers again!" Which made Robin smirk. She was dramatic at times, but it was cute. They walked side by side as they made their way towards their group. M'gann's eyes flickered up at them, a giant smile on her lips as she frantically waved them over.

"It's about time you got here! It's so cozy! We were just talking about the day we've had! Don't worry, I didn't spill the details abou-" The Martian stopped abruptly to smile and palm her forehead. "Hello Megan! You guys haven't even received beverages!" She stated, her eyes scanning the diner to find their waiter.

The half booth the group was sat in, was in the back corner of the place. It was made to fit a small group, probably a person or two less than they had. This did not stop the group from cramming together, which annoyed Connor, who opted to sit at the head of the table in a chair, rather than being smushed between Wally and M'gann. As much as he was fond of the girl, he could not handle Wally's constant babbling all the time.

Robin and Jade were extremely close. Jade basically demanding everyone to get up, to allow her a spot next to the window like she wanted. As much as it sounded completely out of place, Jade loved watched Gotham City pass by in it's usual hustle and bustle. Was it filthy? Absolutely. Full of criminals? Definitely. But she loved it for what it was. A kitten's playground surrounded her, she was ready to pounce back into action the minute she had the opportunity. Outside of her thoughts, Dick's blue eyes lingered on her. The idea of her in his clothing, as close as this, spending more time together is exactly what he wanted.

He didn't care that he was young, that he was unsure of how to sort out everything he felt. But, deep down he knew what he wanted with Jade Kyle. "Hey! Eyes up here!" She chirped, snapping a finger in front of his face. He was lost in his own thoughts about her. Again.

At the head of the table, to the left of Connor, was our waitress. Complete in a cute diner get-up and a smile at her lips. "Drinks? Just trying to get them outta the way while everyone is still ordering!"

Robin was unsure exactly what to get, to be honest he ate cereal more than anything. His hesitation was one that Jade was quick to catch. "We'll both have fountain drinks! Two of these?" She demanded. Jade was only seen drinking water or tea often. The idea she was about to eat as much junk as she could was hilarious. She hadn't eaten properly all day and she couldn't stop the grumble form her stomach. Robin just allowed Jade to speak for him, seeing as she was growing impatient, a mood between anger and hunger.

With a hop in her step, the waitress was quick to comply. Rushing out two dark carbonated drinks, in glasses. "Could I interest y'all in any appetizers? Or just straight to dinner?"

Jade again, cut everyone else off. "I'm thinking Onion rings, mozzarella sticks, buffalo wings? Maybe a sample platter?" She eyes the menu, everyone was basically speechless as they found her demands for sustenance quite funny.

"I'd also like one of those double cheeseburgers, no tomato please! With fries, they're refillable right? I'll have that!" She chattered, placing a hand on dick's thigh. Her contact made him blush slightly.

"He'll have a cheeseburger with fries, make sure to have no pickle in that!" She for some reason was aware of his dissatisfaction with pickles. Funny, he didn't recall mentioning it. She was really something else.

After her orders, the group did the same. Some members getting burgers, sandwiches, etc. it was funny to see how Wally asked about the maximum amount of sliders he could order. The waitress almost looked horrified at the amount he was speculating on ordering. Jade didn't believe she would be able to finish a fourth of the amount he stated. He was basically a living vacuum.

M'gann choked on her drink, struggling to fight the giggles that threatened to escape

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M'gann choked on her drink, struggling to fight the giggles that threatened to escape. Jade was hilarious, not purposely, but the way she whined and aggressively tried to pounce on Wally over the last few fries on her plate. That event had herself and Artemis dying from the hilarity, as Robin struggled to her her back, repeatedly telling her 'it's not worth it!'

One thing was for sure, Wally knew exactly who to avoid when it came to steal bits and pieces of everyone's meals. That included Connor and Jade. "Let me at 'em! I'll cut you to ribbons!" She reached at the redhead, her smaller frame being held back by only one of robin's toned arms.

As much as she was angry, annoyed and hungry, she definitely noticed how well built Robin was for his age. It was insane the amount of definition he had, imagine what he'd be like as he aged. However, that fantasy was not going to distract her from the blasphemy Wally committed.

Kaldur offered his portion in a means to end the match before it began, however Jade specifically told him 'That's not the point! It's the principle!' as she continued to fight.

Eventually, she had tired herself out, but her happiness rebounded back as the chocolate shake she was craving was placed in front of her. With a waggle of her brows, she placed two straws in it. Scooting the glass between her and Dick. "Come on, boy wonder. I don't have cooties!" With a tease in her voice, as his cheeks flushed.

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