Chapter 7

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To be honest, Dick really didn't wanna go and see the circus or even a carnival. He just, didn't feel like going. But for Jade? He would do anything for her. Yeah, maybe they met not too long ago, but he was stuck on trying to appeal to her in any way he could. If that meant going out of his comfort zone, he will.

Wally zipped down the stairs, grabbing a slice of pizza. For some reason, he didn't stop there as he loaded a plate with three more. Which was a smaller amount than usual if you could believe it.

"Whoa, slow down there!" Jade said, as he wolfed down another piece, loading another slice in it's place. The paper plate began to bend, so he settled on leaving the plate on the counter and taking the box.

"Sorry Babe, but it's my nature." Wally said smirking at her while placing his palm on the edge of the counter. Which he misses. He falls, the box goes flying up in the air, landing on top of the speedster. He was now covered in the sauce.

"Haha, That was priceless!" Robin said with his usual laugh. Jade was laughing and Megan was holding back giggles.

"Quiet you!" Jade says to Robin. But he was too busy holding onto Jade who was having trouble standing up from her lack of oxygen. The laughter didn't cease. Wally senses what could be between the two. So he takes it upon himself, that Wally the 'Love Doctor' is gonna play wingman for his birdbrain.

He has a devious smile as he wiped aggressively with a damp napkin. The sauce slowly but surely coming off. M'gann had already begun cleaning his mess. It annoyed him how Robin couldn't even bother to make a move when the time was literally now! He could've easily sweep her off her feet. But, nothing.

"I know right, can they be any slower?" He heard artemis's voice said, sitting in a chair picking at her sad looking piece of pizza. She looked as though she'd been observing the duo as well.

"I know! It's so obvious to everyone but them!" He whispered to her, his eyes glued to the two as they converse. He was quite surprised Artemis and himself aren't arguing at this time. It was a nice change of pace. Although, maybe he liked more than just a conversation with Artemis.

"I say we should give them a light push." Megan said with giddiness. Clasping her hands together, she was all in for this little piece of drama.

"Agreed, what about you Speedster? You in?" Artemis asks with crossed arms. She looked at him expectantly.

"I'm in!"

The three began to whisper quickly, making their plan up. This had to work, they just have to do something about this depressing romance happening. If there was one thing very similar between Robin and Batman, it was their horrible communication skills. Both were stoic and silent at the most annoying times.

Connor approached the three heroes, his arms over his chest. It was evident he was interested in their serious conversation, he wanted in.

"What are you guys talking about?" He said quietly.

"How to get that snail over there to make a move finally." Artemis says. The annoyance with the young soon-to-be couple was clear.

"Sounds...interesting." Wally smiles.

"They have to be together. Who knows if they'll even talk during school." M'gann says. Her companions agree feverishly.

"Then lets plan." Artemis said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. In the short distance, Jade and Dick were still conversing. They were laughing and talking as if nothing else mattered. Kaldur came in not too long after. He was quick to share an interest with the two. He even ended up sitting with them, sharing his opinions. Some of his members that were watching the duo, now a trio, were annoyed with the lad who was definitely cramping the couples' style. Jade, however, was fully and completely captivated by Kaldur's voice.

 Jade, however, was fully and completely captivated by Kaldur's voice

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Kaldur's stories and tales kept Jade entranced. She was so fascinated, she was in love with the world he spoke about. It was something so unique to her, something she wished to see for herself eventually. To see things she hasn't experienced. To try out anything and everything the world had to offer.

"Yes, Aquaman is a wonderful mentor to me. I am very lucky to be his apprentice." Kaldur says in a quite amused tone. He liked how Jade asked so many questions. She didn't stop the conversation once between the three of them.

"I've been around Catwoman for a long time. I've learned everything from her. She gave me the street smarts to give myself a name. Now it's known throughout Gotham and northern Star City." She says. She was quite proud of the name she made for herself. However, her name carried both good and bad opinions. An Anti-Hero, if you will. Batman and Catwoman both hoped, being on a team of heroes, would keep her away from a life of crime.

Richard could not believe he had never taken the time to notice Catwoman's protege. The two even lived in the same city. Hell, Batman was constantly involved with Selina anyway. So how come he never noticed her? He was so lost in his thoughts he did not notice Kaldur standing up.

"I've noticed we have all finished the meal Wally had picked out for us. I think we shall head to this Festival or Carnival as you call it. M'gann seems to take a liking to it." Kaldur said with a slight smile at the memory of her excitement. She wanted to try absolutely everything she could, this was one of them.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. As long as Robin here isn't afraid of any rides." Jade said with a hint of playfulness. She loved to tease him.

"Nah I'm not, but I'll be there for you when you get scared." He said, insinuating she was going to be holding onto him all night.

"Aww, that's sweet!" M'gann said. Jade's cheeks flamed a scarlet shade as she tried to hold in her embarrassed smile. She could see him smiling out of the corner of her eye.

"Let's get it going guys!" Wally yelled aggressively, he was already ready to leave. Standing by the door, impatiently waiting on his team.

Jade stood up, she had multiple piercings dangling from her ears. Her black hair framing her face that was eccentuated by her makeup. The bits of jewelry tinkled lightly as her dark hues of shadow framed her eyes.

"Alright then, Lets go!" Artemis said grabbing Jade by the arm. Opening the front door and running down the stairs.

Robin trailed behind the group, even slower than Connor. He was looking at the concrete sidewalk below him as they marched their way to this Carnival. Unsure of how he'd feel later tonight. Not long after, He felt a warm arm curl it's way around his own and  a tug on his sleeve. He was met with Jade's green eyes.

"Come on Boy Wonder! Not trying to stall so you can't go on the Roller Coasters Are we?" She said teasing him. Her hips swaying as she walked, brushing his own hip in the process. It was the most contact he's had besides the hand holding. A boy like him, was already wondering how much more he'd be able to have.

"No way, But I'll protect you from those evil rides." He was confident to say. He was confident enough to allow himself to throw an arm around her. The two continued their stroll down the dark streets of Gotham.

Things just felt.... right.

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