"I disagree."

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way."

"Why are you going to hurt her like this?"

"I don't want to hurt her. My god, I love her like she's my own. It's killing me that I have to leave her, but I can't stay."

"Why can't you stay?"

"Are you serious? "She asks as she slides out from under Harper and gently lays her on the bed. She tucks a pillow beside her so she won't fall off then bends over to kiss her on the cheek. "You know why!"

"It's because of Renee, isn't it?"

She heads towards the doorway. "It's because of everything: Renee, the fact that I love you and that you never loved me.... It's all too painful." Then she walks out of the room.

"What did you just say?" I ask, as I run after her.

"You heard me."

"I thought you said I never loved you?"

She's so angry now I can see it on her face and in the clenched fists that she has by her side. "You heard correctly."

I reach for her and she steps back. "Why would you say that?"

"Because that's what Renee told me this afternoon."

"She did what!???"

"She filled me in on all kinds of things. Like how happy you and she are living together raising Harper as a family.... That you never loved me because you couldn't stop loving her.... And how you regretted asking me to marry you. Stuff like that."

"Liddy, please stop. Listen to me."

"There's nothing to listen to. Renee said it all."

"Well, she was lying about every single thing."

She pauses at the door to her apartment but doesn't turn around to look at me. "It doesn't matter. You still picked her over me."


"I don't want to talk about this any more. Just leave it alone." She yells. "Tell Harper I love her. I can watch her at my place tomorrow? You can drop her off before you go to work."

"Okay, but what if she's running a fever still?"

"Well, then I'll let you decide who you would rather care for her, me or Renee....Text me your decision in the morning..... Good night Hunter, try to get some sleep." She then closes the door on me.....on us.


Liddy's POV

Hunter messaged me earlier asking me if I was still willing to watch Harper today, even though she was running a low grade fever of 99.5. Of course I said yes, I didn't want Renee to attempt to deal with a sick child. She'd probably forget to check her temperature and give her fluids.

Right now, Harps is curled up next to me far more quiet than usual. I realize she has a fever, but something feels off, call it a nanny's intuition, but I think she may have something more going on than just a virus or bacterial infection that would cause a fever.

I can't remember the last time she asked to walk Cole, which use to be a daily routine for us. She also hasn't asked to go swimming recently which is strange since that's all she talked about last week and she hasn't been riding her tricycle either. It seems all she really wants to do is watch movies and sleep.

"Hey, Harps do you want to walk Cole later?"


"How come? You love to walk Cole?"

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