Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

When we pulled up outside a row of houses not long later I still had no idea where we were or what was going on. All I really wanted to do was take the flipping test but it seemed the boys had other ideas. Everyone got out the van, Nathan and I being the last, it was kind of reassuring though knowing he had no idea whatsoever what was going on.

Siva pulled something out his back pocket while Tom, Jay and Kelsey went up to the door of one of the houses, Max not far behind. Nathan and I just stood on the pavement slightly bewildered. “Here you go” Siva grinned giving us a key that he had pulled out his back pocket, I looked at Nathan who shrugged his shoulders. “And what do we need this key for?” I asked, looking between the four boys and Kelsey waiting to see which one of them would do the honours of explaining. Tom caved.

“Right well you’re either going to love us for telling you this or hate us with a passion. Do you want the bad news first or the good news first?” whatever the bad news was you knew it was going to be bad news, I looked over at Nathan as to say he could make the decision, to be honest I didn’t really want to find out. “Bad, go for it” he said pulling his hat off and ruffling his hair. Tom glanced at Max, Jay and Siva before turning back to us. “Alright, so uh, we sold your apartment” I think my mouth must have dropped to the floor and my eyes popped out of my sockets. “What?!” I exclaimed rather loudly, Nathan just looked utterly speechless. Why would they sell it? Were we homeless? Tom didn’t wait to carry on talking as he saw our reactions. “But the good news is that this property right here is your new home. I know you’re probably wanting to shoot us in the back right now, but since your married, probably thinking about settling down we all thought you’d be better off with a family house. Along with the money from your apartment we all chipped in, as did management and both your parents. So we hope you like it, oh and it’s our wedding gift for you” I didn’t know what to say, half of me wanted to be mad that they sold our flat and didn’t tell us what they were doing, but the other half of me was jumping for joy, I mean they’d help us get a house and we didn’t even have to get stressed over it.

“Go and have a look round” Kelsey smiled jumping on Tom’s back as Nathan put the key in the door, to our house. From the outside it looked really nice, it was painted white and looked rather big. The inside was just as nice as the outside if not nicer. It was modern, with pale walls and wooden floors in the hall it made it look really light and open. The first room we went into was a front sitting room, to my surprize they had already added furniture and our belongings and I knew already I was in love with the place.

It took us around fifteen minutes to go from start to finish, our smiles grew the whole way round, from the extra-large main bedroom with en-suite and three spare bedrooms it was a perfect family house, especially when there was the possibility it could be a family house a lot sooner than anyone expected – although I was still not sure.

“Okay I have to say I love it guys, thank you so much! Though I would watch your backs for doing it without telling us” I joked laughing, they chuckled along before saying that they would leave us to settle in. There was plenty of space to add our own personal touch which I knew would mean plenty of trips to B & Q, Ikea and other home-wear stores.

While Nathan went to the kitchen to make a drink – if we had any supplies that is, and whether he could find them was another matter altogether, I went to the toilet, taking the test with me. I couldn’t wait any longer.

Once I’d done what I needed to do it was just a matter of waiting, two minutes. They seemed to be more like two hours, all the time I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, why was I acting like this? Surely I should be excited? I guess part of me thought it was too good to be true, it wasn’t going to happen. I watched the time on my phone change until the two minutes were up, I took a deep breathe, a minus sign would mean I was negative, a plus sign would mean I was positive and pregnant.

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