Goodbye, My Love (Let's Pretend Our Lives Are Normal pt 3 [final])

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You first normal date was a disaster but the rest were beautifully perfect, the mundane life you led with him was so wonderful. It was so brilliant that now you regret it since you can never have it with him ever again. Never again.


The entire area was a mess, investigators and ghouls were battling one another with all their cards on the table, it was kill or be killed. "Hide!" You screamed, killing every human in your way, "HIDE! Where are you?!" He joined the battlefield against your wishes, all to find his friend, his best friend. You'd only realised he was there when you caught a glimpse of his face. In that split second, everything was gone except for you and him. His eyes met yours and his expression darkened. "Hide!" You yelled in an attempt to make him realise: this was no game.


You fell into depression after that incident, dying slowly everyday due to starvation. You should've died a long time ago but the memories of being with him kept you alive little by little. The impossible hope of him walking through your front door and greeting you like he always did kept you awake every night and day. You wished you never lived that simple life with him, it was like a drug, now that you were hooked, you could not forget it.


You had almost given up hope. Now that the other ghouls had retreated, leaving just the doves, you could only watch from a building near by, paying close attention to everything, trying to pick up something that resembled him. Anything. It took you a few moments to realise but all the doves were gathered in one area, they stood in two rows watching as someone deadly familiar made his way towards Arima Kishou of the CCG with a dead body in his arms. A ring around his finger. A ring just like yours. Your breath hitched in your throat. "HIDE!" You screamed, not caring if anyone heard you. All you cared about was your lover's body in the arms of Kaneki Ken. The limp form not even twitching an inch; not showing any signs of life at all. He was gone. And you didn't even get to say goodbye...


After that fateful night, you returned home and laid in bed. You just stayed there, all day, all night, waiting for death to carry you in its arms and bring you away to paradise where you can see Hide again. Where you can see him and tell him what you never got tired of telling him, "I love you."

Tokyo Ghoul x Reader One ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora