I can't

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"Lets get going" Harry said quickly

He got up from his spot kinda slidding me forward because in was basically in his lap. Um okay?

He didn't take a second look at me. Harry walked quickly toward the car. If he doesnt want to talk then fine but you dont have to basically ran to the car.

Did i kiss wrong? What the fuck did I do? Ugh

He was already in the car. As soon as I got in, He started the car. Why did he make it so awakward?

I wonder what he's thinking?

Harrys POV

Did i really just kiss Jessica? The girl i knew my whole life. The worse thing is i liked it. A lot. Oh my. 

There nothing I can really do about it now. I guess it was just a kiss in the moment. 

She woulnt really want to be my...girlfriend

No Harry don't get your hopes up. Just move on and act like nothing happened. yeahhh thats what ill do!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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