Oh No!

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I see my boobs. It must have slipped off while we dunked

Both my hands cover each boob. My chest is already covered by water so nobody saw anything.

Niall pops up right infront of me.

"Niall I'm going to tell you something but you can't laugh. You have to help me" I said seriously

He nodds

"Okay I lost my bikini top, and the top that I brought Is see through" He starts laughing is head of and soon enought I join in to

"Go get me Harrys t-shirt"

"Nahh I'm good, I like it like this" he laughs again

"Haha verry funny but I need to.Please for me" I pout

"Okay just hug me from behind and we will go together because if I bring the shirt in the water it will turn see through" he said, but not in a perverted way.

"Fine turn around"

He did as told and I hug him around the waist and we started walking towards the towels.

Harry glancing at us all the time. By the look on his face,he doesn't know that I don't have a top on.

"Okay we have to bend down" niall says as he slowly reaches for the shirt

"Okay now let's go to the bathroom"

When we get there he comes with me into the girls washroom but I go in the stall by myself

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Niall askes blushing

"Um sure, thanks" I blush to. How wouldn't?

We walk out and see harry at the bar with the two girls and a slutty bar tender.

Harry sees us coming and rolls his eyes, he has a beer in his hand. How did he get that he's under age? Lol I'm one to talk

Niall stays behind as I go up to him.

"Niall is taking me home, I'll see you when I get home. Okay?"

I don't think he's drunk. I never seen Harry drunk, he's not the type. Okay maybe one or two beers but that's it

"No Jessica, you don't even know that boy, just wait five minutes and ill drive you" he said simply

What am I, five? This got me kinda pissed off (easy temper)

"No I don't want to go with you you're drunk, I rather go with him. I wasn't asking for your permission harry" I said with sass

"Stop being such a child Jessica, your not going with Niall end of story. You don't even know him. Now be a good little girl and listen" he spat

Wow what an ashole. I want to go with niall

"Is this you girlfriend harry" one girl questioned

"No, you see the thing is Harry doesn't need a girlfriend. All he wants is pleasure and why have a girlfrind when he has a nice lovly hand' if you know what I'm saying" I winked and wiggle my fingers at her

And with that I walked back over to niall and told him I couldn't.

"Well give me you're number, I'll text you" he said

Great now I have to wait for fucking harry

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