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"What? I can't look at you now" He smirked 

I just rolled my eyes. He is acting so fucking weird. One second he is saying im a little kid and blah blah blah boys are no good blah blah blah, then the next second he is being very flirty and weird. Wow...

We pulled up to the mall and walk in. It's packed with cute guys....YAY!!!!!! I'll probably just end up leaving Harry and make some new friends;)

Yeah sounds like a plan.

"So do you need anything or do you just wanna walk around?" Harry asked

"Um I would like to go-"

He cut me off and became serious " Don't say anything" Umm thats rude


Harrys P.o.v

I asked Jess if she needed to go to any stores, but then i zoned out for a couple seconds because I saw Rebecca. My Ex-girlfriend, I really liked her but she cheated on be three times.

I see her walking up to me and Jessica. OH NO!!!!!

"Don't say anything" I tell Jess fast before Rebbecca can hear.Jessica just nodds confussed

"Harry is that you" She licked her lips. No its fucking Hannah Montanna, stupid slut.

"Yeah, hey" I said slowly. She couldn't keep her eyes off Jessica and I kinda got the idea. She was jealous

"Who's you're friend?" She spat. Jess rolled her eyes

I smirked and pulled Jessica close to me. " Rebecca meet my girl friend, Jessica. Jessica this is my Ex-girlfriend Rebecca" 

I could tell Jessica was about to punch me in the face or pull away, But before she got the chance to Becca said

" Really Harry, her? She doesn't look like your type of girl. Not even that pretty. You guys don't even look like a couple"

I couldn't even say anything and by the looks of it neither could Jessica. Is this girl on drugs? Jessica is wayyyyy prettier then her and she is my type of girl.

"Just because im not making out with him right now doesn't mean we aren't a couple. Im sorry we are a bit classy. And I might not be pretty but sorry hun neither are you, Bitch your far from pretty"

Oh god, did she really just say that


I look at her waiting for her to respond. UGHHH what a bitch.

" C'mon your not even holding hands or anything. Harry is finally dating someone pure. wow. And I will just ignor your little comment you had, just because im a nice person"  She smiled

What a fake bitch. I swear to go i'll smack that smile off of her face

" Oh really?"

I Pull Harry closer to me and pust my arms around his neck and his arms go around my waist

I lean in a little.........




You're Wrong (Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora