Did not

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Harry leans in too. Just as our lips are about to connect Rebecca stopped it by saying

"Yeah um no need for PDA slut" 

Oh she did not just say that. Does this bitch want to die? I was about to slap that bitch across her face but Harry stepped in

"Okay let go Jessica. Now!"

I just rolled my eyes, turned on my heels and started walking toward the car. Stupid bitch needed to ruin my day. :( whatever 

I waited for Harry to get to the car and unlock it. 

"Jessica im so sorry, if i knew she was going to be at the mall i would have never brought you" Harry said as he turned to face me

Well its kinda true. It wasnt his fault that his bitchy ex-girlfriend was going to be there. 

"It's not you're fault, lets just go somewhere else" 

He just nods and starts the car and drives. I was a pretty silent drive. The radio is softly playing and out of the corner of my eye I see Harry smirking

"Whats so funny?" i ask. 

His smile just grows showing off his cute dimples...Cute? He just shruggs 

"No tell me" I pout out my lip and blink a lot 

"If you think that's cute...Its not" He laughs

I shot him a glare and smack his arm playfully 

" Okay only a little cute. And i was laughing because.................." He dragged out the 'because'

Omg why can't he just be a normal teenager 

"Becauseeeeee why?????" 

He opened his mouth and what he said shocked me

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because i love you

You're Wrong (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora