well hello

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"Hurry up Jessie" My brother Luke called from down stairs

"Shut up, don't rush me" I yelled back

Ugh he can be so annoying, but I gotta love him. My mom was meeting us at the airport in An hour and I still didn't have everything packed...Oh well

Ugh Ill just throw clothes into the suitcase;)

After about ten minutes of packing Bras, Thongs, Sweaters, Track pants, Fuzzy socks, Make-up, Jeans , And Clubbing outfits ect I was done.

"Can you come help me with my Suitcase pretty please?" I scream in a little kid voice

"UMMMMMMMMM.........How about No?"

"Dick head" I mumble to myself grabbing the my suitcase and literally throwing down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen to see luke on the phone... I grab is car keys and put my stuff in his trunk and climb into the passenger seat.

After about 15 minutes of waiting he climbs in

"Took you long enough" I sarcastically say

"Haha well I just needed to talk to Becca" he rolled his eys

Becca is his girlfriend, me and he don't really get along because ummmm she's a bitch.

The rest of the ride there was quiet just the sound of the radio playing

We arrive at the airport looking for my mom

When we see her she quickly rushes us to the gates to go to England saying that we are going to miss our flight.

My mom is always moody but as soon as she sees Anne its like she's a whole different person calm, relaxed ,understanding.

Skip plane ride...

Dragging my suitcases behind me I hear my mom name being called, I knew right away who's voice that was. Anne. My mom dropped her suitcase and ran towards her, people were just looking oddly at them.

After about five minute of me wait for them to catch up they start to walk toward me and Luke.

"Oh my lord Jessica is that you"

"um yeah" I Shyly say

" Look at you, your so big now, So beautiful and oh my...Look you have grown a set of boobs and you wear make-up, Your a women now.

I can feel myself blushing madly. I just nod. And she kisses me on the cheek and hugs Luke

We get into the car and start driving to Annes house

When we arrive Anne told Luke to grab my stuff (I love her so much) and told me to go inside to see Gemma and Harry.

I did as told and just walked in to see Gemma sleeping on the couch. I decided to leave her and go up to my room witch is the guess room, I already know where everything is so I just walk up stairs.

 I hear loud music playing next door to my room and of course Harrys room had to be next to mine:(

I bang on the wall and the music stops playing seconds later and Harry opens my door and looks at me wide-eyed

I smile

"You know there is something called knocking"

"Well there is something called not banging on walls" He said with sass

"Well hello to you too" I said with more sass then him

He just opened his arm waiting for me to run into them,

I just stood there looking and him with a smirk.

"If your waiting for a hug, your going to be waiting a long time" I said

" OH did someone get over their little crush on me" He said with a baby voice

" Your such an ass, that was sooo long ago" I winked 

"Just come here and give me a hug you little brat" he said pulling me in a hug...


I just faked a smile and hugged back. This may sound weird but he smells really good, and he got hotter. Just saying.....

I pull out of the hug and simply say " Okay thats enough, um I tired soo yeah get out in going to bed" He smirks again 

"Well do you want me to cheek for any ghost or monsters"

"NOO! good night Harry" I say slamming the door in his face

I slowly take off my clothes and throw then into a corner, I snach a big loose top and put that on with fresh underwear that says "that's what she says" and jump in bed 

Harrys P.O.V

Holy shit she has changed...A lot

Shes not that little girl that used to have a big crush on me anymore

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