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Liz noticed the small fading black haired boy getting worse.He wouldn't eat anything withOut one of them having to shove it down his throat,even then he would puke it back up.

he had deep circles under his eyes showing a clear lack of sleep and if he did sleep he would wake everyone up in the middle of the night with a nightmare.

The boy wouldn't speak at all and the therapist called to say he had gone mute.Not knowing whether it was permanent or not.

So Liz decided after 4 months she would sit in on one of the sessions.

It was her first time driving Michael there and only did she noticed how he shook getting out of the car.

She took a hold of his hand only to have him rip it away and run up the steps.

She sighed watching as his thin body disappeared inside.What happened to him?What happened to the happy Mikey she knew?


From the minute she sat in she knew something was wrong.The therapist kept stumbling over his words and when she asked question he couldn't answer them.

he knew nothing about Michael and she caught the clear glances of lust the therapist kept throwing at Michael.

He raped Michael.It was the answer to everything.How he suddenly got worse.

She gripped his small hand,standing them up before slapping the therapist.

"how dare you do that to anyone never mind a mentally ill boy.i hope you'll be happy to know I am reporting you to the guards.You're a sick man"She spat before dragging Michael back to the car.It was then and there that she finally broke down.

"I'm so sorry,Mikey,I'm so sorry"She sobbed laying her head on the steering wheel.


Michael got Liz to agree for him to go for a walk on his own.Without talking he simply pointed at his shoes and the door.She sighed before nodding and telling him to be careful

He strolled through the city a pair of sunglasses over his eyes and a hood covering his head.

He almost fell when he spotted the Ananndale hotel.He slowly placed his hand on the clear side of the wall remembering this was really where the band started.

He was too distracted to notice a group of fans behind him only realising once his head was smashed against the wall causing him to fall to the ground.

He covered his face once they started punching and kicking at him only to have a punch thrown at his cheekbone.He curled up in a ball imagining the fans were his Dad and a huge wave of anxiety washed over him.

His body trembled and his breaths were broken.But the fans didn't care.Tbey wanted to beat him until he collapsed.

"this is what you deserve"

"This is for beating Luke up"

"how does it feel,fatass"

"You worthless piece of shit"


that was the last thing he heard before his eyes closed and darkness over took him.

Jack pushed passed the girls kneeling down beside the bloody Michael.


"can we take a picture?"

"Are you here to help?"

Jack ignored them picking up the small boy before rushing to the car


Everyone had seen the video.The video of the barely recognisable blonde haired boy who was beaten to unconsciousness.

The 3 famous boys gaped at the video.Their fans could do something this?

But after all they were technically the cause of if.They started the rumour.

But it didn't really look like Michael.He was skinny.Really skinny.A sweater was enveloping his small body.

But Michael was getting even more then before.The fans said that he hurt them first but it was clear by the words they were saying that he didn't do anything.But people listened to everything they heard.

But Michael wasn't able to read the mean comments.He was in hospital.His whole body bruised and a he had few fractured bones.

The doctors had diagnosed him with depression and anorexia and raised his dosage of anxiety pills.

They advised him to get away from the area but where could he go?He was on partial suicide watch because of the type of depression he had.

He wasn't allowed to be left alone in case is proceeded to self harm or tried to commit suicide.But Liz had just the solution.

"hey little buddy"Michael heard a voice and he immediately snapped his head towards the door.

The people standing there made him want to cry.Out of happiness of course.And maybe a few tears slipped out of his eyes.

"no hey don't cry it's okay"Alex soothed walking over to him.He scooted Michael over in the bed,staying cautious of the wires before sitting down beside him and pulling him into his arms.

Michael buried his head into his chest finally feeling safe.His small hand clutches the shirt as he hid away.

Rian and Zach sat in the chairs beside the bed and Jack sat on the floor beside them.They smiled sadly at him.

"I have a proposition for you okay?Liz already agreed"Alex rubbed his back."How about you come on tour with us?"He asked.

Michael stopped to think.He didn't want to be a bother.But he had to.He didn't want Liz to be sad again.It would be for the best right?

So he nodded slightly,taking his head out of Alex's chest.

"okay great,I'll call Liz to pack your bags"Alex stood up walking out of the room.

"You know ,Mikey,you shouldn't listen to what any of those dickhead say or do to you"Jack started.He was beyond angry."You're an amazing guitarist and singer and friend and person in general and you should let someone tell you otherwise"

The guys wouldn't say it but Michael was always their favourite.There was something...off about the other boys.Now they know what it is.They're all dickheads.

"I can believe they would do this to you"Zach shook his head.How could anyone do this to anyone?"They ripped you away from your dream"

But that was the wrong thing to say.Michael immediately chocked back tears burying himself into a pillow.

He closed his eyes,ignoring Zachs apologise and fell asleep.

A/n: this chapter was supposed to be longer but I have writers block so nah.


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