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They boy's were struggling without Michael as a band obviously,they were fine mentally with out him....well 2 of them were anyway.

Luke was receiving a lot more popularity and fame because of what he had to 'experience'.Did he feel guilty?No,he fucking loved it.In his mind Michael deserved it for being born a fuck up.He never like him.He was just using him for the band.Now that he was famous,he didn't need Michael.Plus he didn't want to see that 'ugly piece of shit' around him anymore despite how more amazing Luke looked compared to him when they were together.

Ashton's original hate decreased to only a couple of tweets.Sure he missed Michael,he was one of his best friends and was always there for him,but it was better for the band this way.They could take that step forward,they couldn't take with him.He hopes.Although deep down he knows they need him but those feeling are covered up by excitement.

Calum however,was struggling.The love of his life was ripped away from him and there was nothing he could do about it without being kicked out of the band.No matter how much he loved Michael ,he needed the band.Everyday he hopes Michael is doing okay and taking care of himself.But did he think how much Michael needed the band?No.

They kicked Michael out at a bad time,mentally.He had been receiving a lot of hate and was becoming quite self destructive.He needed support and they rejected him of it.

But they were struggling.They weren't able to write any songs for what they hoped would be their upcoming album.It was difficult for Luke to take the role of lead guitarist and to move from his place in the centre of the stage.

They were bored.themselves and their fans.They hated to admit it but Michael brought a sense of humour  and bonding to the band.Now,they boy's could go a day or two without talking to each other.

But Michael was the worst affected.He was slowly dying.Inside and out.

He wouldn't leave the room he was first placed in when Liz took him to her house.He sat staring at a blank wall across from him.

He wouldn't eat.he barely drank.He would puke if anyone came within a step radius of him with food.But what was there to puke up apart from stomach acids?

The Hemmings family was worried.Luke was coming home in a week for a week for a break.What were they supposed to do with Michael?

"I-I'll go h-h-home"he spoke quietly,weakly laying his head on a pillow.

"and get killed?You're never going back there.Never.Luke will barely be here anyway we just won't tell him you're here"Ben spoke,setting down water and a slide of toast for him.

"Bye Ben"Michael weakly spoke.Ben was going back to his house again.

"Bye kiddo"

"Mom,why is the guest room closed?"Michael could hear Luke's voice from the other side of the door.

"uh no reason ,honey!"She called back,hoping to God Luke did not open that door.

Michael watched the door handle slowly be pushed down and he panicked.

The door was open and there stood a shocked Luke who just dropped a cup at his feet.

"what the fuck are you doing here?"He whisper screamed.

Michael was shaking,unable to reply as fear over came him.Luke stepped closer,his hand curling at his sides.

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