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It had been four weeks.No one had heard from Michael.No one tried to contact Michael.

He was still locked in the room,against the wall,trying to keep himself upright,trying to get some form of heat.It was freezing.

Not the weather,no,but his father had turned on the air conditioning to max and left Michael in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.He was too weak to climb onto the bed.

He was forced to eat the stale food,literally,his father would shove it into his mouth if he didn't eat causing him to vomit several times.He was surprised he didn't have food poisoning yet.

Michael's body ached.It was covered in bruises and burns and cuts.His father had forced him to clean up the mesas of paper and broken guitars he caused so there was no hope in retrieving his songs or even piecing together guitars.

Everyday he was forced to read hate on his social media.It destroyed him.He hated himself.Hated.

His father had deleted all contacts on his phone,leaving the text hate anonymous.

He blocked Alex's,Jack's,Rian's and Zach's numbers from his phone to make sure Michael wouldn't blurt out what was happening.

He couldn't sleep.His dreams were filled with his ex-band mates and it was just to painful to sleep.So he didn't.

He was weak.Barely able to move.He had fainted several times,collapsed once.He wouldn't be living for much longer.

"I want to speak to your son"He heard a female voice say snapping him out of his thoughts.The loud noise made him wince.Liz.

"He's not here"His father replied calmly.Michael wanted to scream that he was.

"Help"He weakly said but it came out hoarse and as a whisper causing tears to stream down his face."Help please"It was no use.he felt himself slip into darkness once again.

"I'd like to leave this on his bed"He heard Liz say."It's just a small welcome home present"

She sensed something was wrong.He kept looking up the stairs at the room there.

"I can give it to him,he's sleeping"He went to grab the box only to have Liz pull it back.

"you said he wasn't here"She glanced up at the room.

"He's away in his dreams,obviously"His Dad scoffed putting his weight onto his left side,leaving room for Liz to run through.

Jack watched from the car as his mom pushed passed,slipping into the house.Something was wrong.

He slipped out of the car,running into the house following his mom and Daryl.

"open this door right now"She spat.

"what's is in there is none of your business"He spat back.

"It's Michael's room and I'd like to leave his present on his bed"

But he stood his ground.Jack moved his mum out of his way before slamming up against the door.

"what are you doing?"His father shouted,suddenly panicked.

"We're getting into that room one way or another"Liz smiled.

The door suddenly swung open,revealing the dark room and a strange smell hitting there noses.

Jack covered his nose with his tshirt,going towards the light switch only to realise there was no bulb in the socket.

He took out his phone,turning on a torch,shining it around the room.He walked in further,shining it on the beds.Empty.

He almost missed the body on the floor against the wall,in the corner of the room.

"Oh my god"He ran towards him,shining the light on his face.He was unconscious.

His skin was a sickly pale with Deep purple bags present under his eyes and bruises of different colours and sizes covered his face.

His hair was matted down with sweat,despite it being cold in the room.
From what Jack could remember he was never that skinny before.

He quickly picked up the boy,running out of the room.

"Oh my god"Liz gasped horrified"What have you done to him?"

"Nothing he didn't deserve"Daryl smirked,proud of what he did.

"Where is Karen?"She spat,disgusted that any parent could do this to their child.

"Work"He lied.she had left.4 years ago.How out of the loop can someone be?

"Michael is staying with us"


Michael's eyes fluttered open before closing at the bright light.

"Mum,he's awake"He heard someone say so he opened them again.

He let out a startled gasp as he saw Liz and Jack standing in front of him.

Oh god.Did they kidnap him?Where they going to hurt him because they thought he hurt Luke.

"No sshh relax Michael"She gently placed a hand on his forehead checking if he still had a fever.

"We know Luke was lying and we know what he did to you."She added.

He noticed he was in fresh clothes and there were no blood stains on his hands.He was washed.It brought a light blush upon his cheeks.

"You're safe now,we won't let anything hurt you"Jack spoke.

He was ashamed of his brother.That he could do this to someone as innocent as Michael.Especially as before they went on tour he was like a brother to Luke and then Luke suddenly treated him like a punch bag.

"How are you feeling?"Liz asked,sitting at the end of the bed.

"F-fine"he mumbled.He didn't feel like talking.He just annoyed everyone whenever he opened his mouth.

"Come on,Mikey,you have to say more than that"Liz frowned.She hoped that his stutter didn't come back.

Not that she minded it but they boy's spent so long trying to get rid of hit for his own sake.

"Sore,t-t-tired"He mumbled.

"Hungry?"She asked

But Michael only shook his head no.He couldn't stand the though of food.It made him want to vomit after what happened.

"All right,we'll leave you to it"and she gently kissed his forehead making him flinch at first.

With that he fell asleep.Warm.


So this story is gonna move quite fast 🙈there's also not gonna be any Malum for a while.


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