Chapter One

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Lauren, Camila, and Y/N were raised in the same part of town. They'd gone to the same schools throughout their childhood and were inseparable, or so they thought, until high school.

Although the trio spent a lot of time together, Y/N kept her family life under wraps. The only information she shared about her life was that she had five brothers and with all the hectic situations in their household, they'd always stray far from home - utilizing Camila and Lauren's homes an escape to theirs.

Through the six siblings' visits, they learned Lauren's parents were more than financially stable. Behind Lauren's lavish lifestyle, she'd struggle to meet the expectations set for her and lacked the affection she deemed necessary.

Camila on the other hand was drowning in love which she happily shared with her sister, Sofia. Her father and mother supported her in every aspect they could, even unknowingly helping Y/N and her five brothers by allowing them to stay over.

In her visits, Y/N's heart filled itself with adoration for Camila. She had been her outlet, the one person who could make her feel better despite the negativity surrounding her. Y/N had found the one person she connected to emotionally, mentally, and physically.

In her third year of high school, Y/N had finally gotten her dream girl but their relationship became yet another unstable part of her life. She wasn't able to give Camila the attention and love she deserved, so she made the choice to let Camila go.

And in her decision, Camila found Lauren.

Now Y/N would have to suffer in silence as the happy couple was moving in next door.


"Harry, Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn!" Y/N called for her brothers and one by one they raced down the stairs, hiding behind the couch. Normani, Dinah, and Ally, a few other childhood friends, followed along and hid behind random objects.

As audible footsteps approached the front door, Ally panicked and placed a lampshade over her head - remaining as still as possible to imitate a pole.

The darkness consuming the room illuminated when two people stepped into the house and simultaneously voices shouted, "Welcome home!"

The unexpected noise caused Camila to grip Lauren's arm and Y/N popped up from her hiding spot, walking towards her best friends.

Camila's heartbeat failed to steady as she looked Y/N over, noticing the small line of discoloration on her lip - the old scar had aged well, just like her. She had developed a mix of her brothers' senses of style, rocking new tattoos, and wearing black slacks accompanied by a button-up shirt. Y/N's eyes had kept their glimmer of youth and as she embraced them, Camila peered over her shoulder to get a view of the five boys.

Louis no longer wore his overalls, Harry's curly locks had been trimmed, Liam's hair wasn't straightened over his forehead, Niall had removed his braces, and Zayn let his beard grow out - rocking his long hair with it.

Even with all the changes, Camila felt a sense of overwhelming nostalgia.

Y/N pulled away from the embrace, her eyes glancing at the L.J initials engraved on the emerald pendant on Camila's necklace - it still looked brand new, and seeing it still got under her skin. The girl wearing it still made her heart flutter, and still made her nervous.

"I missed you." Y/N admitted, her voice reaching a higher pitch in excitement. Camila kissed her cheek and Lauren did the same, but only after handing her friend her jacket to hang.

"Let me take yours too." Y/N offered, pointing to the expensive parka Camila wore.

"No, it's fine." The brunette rejected the offer and Y/N turned to Ally who kept playing her role as a lamp. She purposely threw Lauren's jacket over Ally's head and the smaller girl almost toppled over, causing Camila to stifle a laugh.

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