"I'm not thinking about me, I'm thinking about Harper and what Liddy's leaving will do to her."

"Hun, you should have considered that from the beginning."

"But that's all I've done, is base every decision on what's best for Harper. I want to give her as close to a perfect childhood as I can. I want her to experience the same type of upbringing I had, one where her two parents love and support her. Just like you and dad did for me. I realize how much you sacrificed to make me happy and I'm willing to do the same thing for her."

"I feel honored that you feel that your father and I gave you an ideal childhood, I really do, but what about it made it so special? We certainly didn't have a lot of extra money and your dad had to work two jobs sometimes. You spent lots of time with a baby sitter. What's perfect about that?"

"I don't even remember that stuff. I just remember thinking that I was so lucky that you two loved each other and didn't fight and scream like half my friend's parents did. I appreciated that I had only one household to come home to and that I didn't have to go from one home to another because you guys weren't divorced."

"Oh now I understand. It all makes sense now."

"What makes sense?"

"Why you're picking Renee over Liddy, you're doing it for Harper."

"She's some of the reason, but not all of it."

"Hunter, it's your life and you are a grown man. I'm not going to tell you how to live, but I would like to give you some things to think about. Would you mind?"

"No. Go ahead."

"Just remember that even though you are a dad, you are also a man. Eventually Harper and any other children you are blessed to have will grow up and live their own lives. So make sure that you marry someone who you know will make YOU happy after they're gone, someone that you can laugh with and cry with, someone who makes your heart flutter.

Also be sure to marry someone who will fill your home with love and encouragement every single day. That's all Harper will need. Whether it comes from her natural mother or a step mother, as long as she feels love and acceptance she will be happy and you will have fulfilled your job as a good parent."

"Okay, I will keep that in mind."

"That's all I can ask." She says with a wink. "Now, will you please do the right thing and try to make the next few weeks easier on Liddy by arranging to stay at Renee's house?"

"I can do that."

"Thank you. It will make your dad feel so much better. He's been really worried about her, we both have been. Please, don't think we are picking sides, we aren't. We're just concerned for everyone involved."

"Is that why he left so quickly?"

She shakes her head yes. "He adores Lid and he is going to miss her, that's all. We both are."

"You aren't the only one." I whisper to myself.

Once my father returns he apologizes for his behavior and I accept his apology. Then we sit and eat some of mom's peach cobbler, the whole time laughing and joking, like we always do when we get together.

When my phone chimes I look to find I have 2 messages one from Liddy, over an hour ago and the most recent one from Renee. I open Liddy's first.

L: I wanted you to know that I'm moving back into my apartment this afternoon. Harper will be with me so you don't have to drive to Liz's. Just text me when you are in the upstairs hallway and I will open my door so Harps can meet you.

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