31. Elenas Turn

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I looked at Jenna and took a breath.

I decided I would just jump right into it.

"My real mom died when she gave birth to me and then when I was three my real dad killed himself so me and my brother,Will, were put up for adoption..."

It was painful memories for me.

"We bounced around many different foster homes for a couple years and than when I turned ten a couple adopted Will and I"

Jenna stopped me.

"Do you remember your foster homes?" She asked.

I felt Conner looking at me but I refused to turn.

"I remember almost all of them. We would stay at some for only a few days before being sent to another one. It was awful..."

Jenna nodded.

"You can continue" She said.

"I loved my adoptive parents though. They were the best thing to happen to Will and I..."

I smiled a little bit thinking about Will and my parents.

"When I turned thirteen I met a boy who happened to be Ashton, he was my best friend. We started dating when I was fourteen. Then on his sixteenth birthday we slept together for the first time and about two months later I found out I was pregnant..."

Jenna stopped me.

"How did you feel about having a baby at such a young age?"

"I was excited and really nervous."

I answered and she let me continue.

"Throughout the pregnancy Ashton was really supportive and he would be at my house almost everyday. We spent so much time together, we were practically inseparable..."

"Then nine months later my baby, Jared, was born but he was still born..."

I looked down at my hands.

"After finding out about Jared, Ashton turned on me. He said it was my fault and he couldn't be with someone who killed his child..."

Tears started to form in my eyes.

I hadn't re-lived that memory in about eight or so years and it was still really hard.

Jenna handed me a box of tissues.

Which I happily took before thanking her.

"After that I started to turn into a party girl and when I turned nineteen I became a prostitute..."

"I got pregnant with Violet and the triplets working that job. After I had the triplets, I decided to make a better life for not only me but for my kids too and that's when I started working for Conner."

That's where I stopped.

Jenna wrote a couple things down before looking at me.

"What about your family? Your mom? Your dad?" She asked.

I knew it was going to be hard since my dads death was still fresh in my mind.

"When the triplets were about three months old my mom died of cancer. Will died about ten years ago while deployed and my dad..."

I stopped and took a breath.

"My dad died about three months ago"

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