8. Cleaning

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Nyla (Ariel Winter)>
Today was the day.

I was cleaning out my dads house.

Today was the day I was going to look through all my moms, my dads, Wills, and my things.

I was terrified because I felt like I was invading private things but I didn't want Conner going through those things.

I walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting down and eating.

"Hi mommy" Carson mumbled around a big piece of pancake.

"Good morning baby and please don't talk with your mouth full" I said with a kiss to the top of his head.

"I figured you wanted some time alone so I left you alone but I made you a plate" Conner said while pointing at a plate sitting on the counter.


I walked over and grabbed it before sitting down at the table.

I didn't say much during breakfast but nobody seemed to mind as they talked amongst themselves.

After breakfast all the kids went their separate ways while I went and sat in the living room.

I sat there and watched tv for about a half hour before Violet came into the living room.

"Mom, can I invite Nyla over?" She asked.

Nyla was Violets best friend and they've been best friends for about five years.

"Violet I needed you to watch the kids since grandma and May can't" I said while looking at her.

"I know and I'll still watch them" she said.

Conner and I tried to not have the older kids watch the little kids on the weekends because they still needed to be kids.

"As long as you watch them, yes she can come over" I told her and she smiled before walking away, texting on her phone.

Conner came into the room dressed and ready to go and asked if I was ready.

So I got up and followed him outside.

We were having movers come to my dads house with boxes so I could box up all the stuff.

We drove over to my dads house and when Conner parked in the driveway I took a deep breathe and got out.

The moving people were already there and they knew what was going on so they were just setting a bunch of empty boxes on the porch.

Conner followed me up the porch steps and I unlocked the front door and walked in.

Conner followed me inside and I stood there staring at the house and it was very overwhelming.

"Are you alright? You don't have to do this if you don't want to" Conner said.

I shook my head.

"I have to do this" I whispered before I decided to let everything go and just do it.

That's exactly what I did.
We had been going through things and boxing them up for about an hour.

It was emotionally draining.

Conner followed me upstairs and we stopped in front of a door. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open to reveal a teenage girls room.

My room to be more specific.

"Whoa..." I turned to Conner with a giggle.

He's never seen my room because I never let him.

We've been over at the house multiple times I just never let anyone in my room.

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