14. Family night

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It was Friday night.

Conner and I decided that tonight the whole family was spending time together which meant no friends and no boyfriends.

I had started making dinner while Conner played with all the kids.

While dinner was cooking in the oven I walked into the living room and saw a fort being built.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

Taylor turned around and rolled her eyes.

"Trying to build a fort" She said with a huff.

From the looks of it they were trying to build a fort but weren't succeeding.

Mostly because Carson would pull down what Conner and the kids had built right after they built it

"Will and I used to build forts all the time" I commented before walking over to them and grabbing the pillows off one couch and a couple blankets.

I picked up Carson and handed him to Conner.

Conner and the kids backed away as I started building.

After about twenty five minutes it was completed.

The kids were all excited and I let them go and explore it.

I went back into the kitchen and took the food out of the oven and started dishing it up.

"Dinner!" I called.

I then heard what sounded like a herd of people running to the kitchen.

They all ran in and sat down along with the dogs who were also waiting for their food.

I handed everyone their plates and then fed the dogs.
After dinner everyone showered or took bathes then changed into their pajamas.

We decided we were going to play a board games.

"Okay we have Chutes and Ladders, Operation, and Life. What do you wanna play?" I asked carrying the boxes in.

We had hundreds of board games but I decided to only give a few options.


Was the deciding vote.

So I handed it to Conner and sat down on the floor.

Carson instantly crawled into my lap.

I kissed the top of his head, before moving my legs around so it was more comfortable.

"Alright we are ready" Conner said and all the kids were ready.

The game went like this...

Sky cheated a lot.

Bradley couldn't get a single piece out without making it buzz.

Taylor got bored.

Violet helped Kylie.

Liam just stuck his fingers in the holes and then cut his finger.

Conner played for Liam.

I helped Carson but he cried because he didn't want the piece I got out for him.

We played Chutes and Ladders next and...

Liam won.

Carson cried again.

Sky and Taylor had a competition to see who could slide down the most slides.

Violet helped Kylie again.

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