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Jumping and shaking was what woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

I cracked one eye and saw Carson standing by my bed patting his hand on my mattress along with Lulu walking all over my bed.

"Carson what are you doing? I asked groggily.

He giggled before climbing into my bed.

"Carson what are you doing?" I asked again when I felt his cold feet touch my arm.

"It's my birthday!" He cheered.

Carson's birthday was on the twelfth but today was his birthday party so everyday he's been saying it's his birthday and today was no exception.

"Carson hand me my phone" I told him with my eyes closed.

I felt him lean over and grab my phone from my nightstand.

"Here you go"

I opened my eyes and took my phone from his hands before covering him up with my comforter because he was just in his underwear, socks, and a superman shirt.

"Why are not wearing pants?" I asked as I checked the time.


"I had an accident" He said before snuggling up against me.

Luckily, he was dry so he must have changed his underwear.

"Is that why you're in my bed?"

I felt him nod so I just pulled him closer to me.

Carson doesn't have accidents often, just when he doesn't go to the bathroom before bed which happens probably every five months or so.

I felt Carson's breathing even out and Lulu settle at the end of the bed so I drifted off to sleep.
I woke once again to the bed shaking.

So I cracked an eye and saw Carson standing above me.

"Carson sit down" I said and he instantly fell down.

I felt around for my phone and when my hand hit it I picked it up and checked the time.


It was better then 6:30 I guess.

"Mommy when are my friends getting here?" Carson asked innocently.

It's 8:30 in the morning and he's worried about when his friends were going to be here.

"Baby they won't be here till four"

He immediately stuck his bottom lip out.

I could tell he was about to cry.

"Carson you have until three to wipe those tears away"

Since Carson cries over nothing most of the time I've decided to do something about it.

"One" I said while holding up one finger.

He slowly reached up and wiped his eyes.

So I reached over and pushed his bottom lip in which made him giggle.

"Bradley I need your help" I called from the kitchen.

In a half hour the house would be flooded by children and my family and I wasn't even close to being ready.

Bradley walked in hesitantly because when I'm stressed, I'm mean and I know that.

"Go out and help Liam take care of Minnie and the cows"

The Secretary's KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora