26. Clarissa

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I froze at my name falling from his lips.

No, he can't be here.

"What are you doing here Ashton?" I asked as he walked closer to me.

"I came to visit our son" He said.

I just stared at him.

"You couldn't have waited until I left?" I asked angrily.

He was about to answer when I put my hand up.

"Wait, when did you get back?" I asked.

"About six hours ago" He answered.

Ashton and Ethan had moved to California about four years ago due to Ashton's job.

Ashton and I had still never gotten along but Ethan and Violet were friends before they moved so I had to deal with Ashton.

"Why are you back?"

"I was transferred back and Ethan got tired of California so the move couldn't have happened sooner"

I gave him a small smile.

Even though I didn't like Ashton he was a good father and he would do anything for Ethan.

"Okay well I gotta go"

I didn't want to be here anymore.

"Wait, here's my number in case you wanna get coffee sometime"

Ashton took a business card out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I said slipping the card into my coat pocket.

"It was good to see you Elena"

I just gave him a small nod before walking to my car.
I knocked on Conners front door and waited for him to answer.

I needed to talk to him and pick up some mail that was for me.

When the door finally opened it revealed the one and only Clarissa.

I was going to try and be nice to Conner today but all that had just changed.

She was only in a buttoned down shirt and she had sex hair.

She glared at me and I glared right back.

This bitch thinks she can glare at me after she split me and Conner up!

"Who the hell are you?" She asked while putting her hand on her hip and popping her hip out.

I was really worried I was about to see something I didn't want to see since the shirt was riding up.

"Where's Conner?" I asked pursing my lips at her.

"None of your business"

I just rolled my eyes and pushed past her.

"Hey get out before I call the police" She yelled at me but I just ignored her and walked up the stairs until I got to Conners room.

I pushed the door open and walked in.

Conner was sprawled out across his bed, fast asleep.

I walked over to him and since he was laying on his stomach I grabbed the hair on the back of his head and pulled his head up.

Once his head was up enough I let go and his head fell down and he was awake.

"Elena? What are you doing here?" His voice rough since he just woke up.

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