7. Aftermath

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Jacks dogs>
It's been a week and a half since my dad died and two days since his funeral.

He was buried next to my mom and Will.

I hadn't been back to work and they probably would fire me but I didn't care.

So now here I sit on my bed, curled up in my dads favorite blanket with his two dogs Weasel and Lulu.

I think they knew he was gone because they seemed sad. I remembered my dad said that they got really sad when his other dog Miley died.

The dogs were curled as close to me as they could possibly get and it made me sad because they were the last living things I have of my dad.

It made me tear up just thinking about it especially since Weasel was thirteen which is really old and I would lose him soon too.

I hadn't been out of my room since the funeral.

Getting out of bed to use the restroom and Conner brought up food but that was about it.

People may think I am a bad mother for just shutting down and not spending time with them but I've never been able to grieve over any death.

When my mom died I had a three year old and three two month olds.

When Will died I had a one year old.

I don't think Conner really minded taking care of the kids since four of them can take of themselves and help out with the younger three.

A knock on my bedroom door snapped me out of my thoughts and made Lulu raise her head and growl at the door.

Lulu and Weasel have become very protective over me but they're not aggressive towards the kids or anything.

"Come in" I yelled hoarsely.

The door hesitantly opened and in walked Bradley.

I gave him a small smile and waved him in.

He walked closer to the bed slowly and I could tell he was nervous about being around me since I don't cry often.

"Hi baby bear" I said and he smiled before petting Weasel who wagged his tail.

"Hi mommy" he said.

I smiled because he doesn't call me mommy very often.

I pulled the blanket back as an invitation for him to get into bed with me.

He gently got into the bed with me and even though he's fourteen I cuddled him to me.

My dads death hit the older kids harder then the little kids besides Liam who tried to get into the casket with my dad at his funeral.

Liam was a smart kid so he knew what was happening and when the funeral was over and we got into the car, he made my heart break because he was asking for his grandpa and wailing.

"I miss him" Bradley whispered.

I nodded feeling tears fill my eyes.

"I do too baby" I whispered back.

I felt warm liquid hit my arm and I knew Bradley was crying so I hugged him closer to me.

We just laid in bed in silence for a good fifteen minutes before he fell asleep, Conner then came in.

I looked at him and he was staring at me and Bradley.

His face showed sadness and I waved him over also.

I pulled up the blanket once again and he climbed in and I slipped my arm out from underneath sleeping Bradley so I could flip over.

I turned towards Conner and without saying anything Conner pulled me into his chest and I just held on to his shirt.

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