Natsu x Reader x Sting

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Requested by: ImmaAngelicDemon

Fairy tail with slight twist~

2nd pov.


Printed in bold colors on your skin, was the year you would meet your soulmate. It was the same for everyone. The day you were born, a year was given to you. In that year, you would meet the person you were destined to be with. When you were near your soulmate, your tattoo would start glowing.

Now here you were, in year X791, and still nothing. There had been some cases where someone's year passed and they didn't find their mate. In those cases, you either find someone like you, or you're alone forever.

Sitting in the stands of the Domus Flau, you were awaiting them to announce this year's teams competing in the grand magic games.

Sabertooth... of course...

The group walked out arrogantly, flaunting their power. Your tattoo started glowing slightly.

Holy crap...who...

You looked at each person to see if anyone had noticed that their tattoo had glowed. None.

Fairy tail B, this is going to be an interesting year

Raven tail

Lamia scale

Blue Pegasus

Mermaid Heel

Quatro Cerberus

Fairy tail A

Your tattoo started glowing again.

What the hell? What's going on?

You looked at each member, but none seemed to notice.

Maybe it's just being weird.

You thought even though you knew that your tattoo could never glow unless you've found your soulmate.


"The winner of the Grand Magic Games is Fairy Tail!!" The stadium erupted into cheers. From your spot you caught the eye of a salmon haired mage from Fairy Tail.


Your tattooo glowed brightly and it burned on your skin. You smiled and waved enthusiastically. He smiled back and started jumping up and down while the others looked at him weirdly.

Looking slightly to the left, you caught the eye of another mage.


Your tattoo which had dimmed a little started to glow brightly again. You were confused. How was it possible to have two mate? Never in your years have you heard of it. Sure, there had been the occasional person with no mate, but never two.

Nevertheless, you smiled and waved at him too.

Natsu furrowed his eyebrows and looked over at Sting who was staring at you in awe.

The stadium started clearing and you were pushed along, out of your seat and out the door.


"Hey!" You turned around to see two guys running up to you, trying to outrun the other.

Sting reached you first and lifted you over his shoulder running away from Natsu.

"Um...your shoulder is kinda hurting my stomach.."

"Sorry." He adjusted you slightly before skidding to a stop and turning the corner.

"STOP STING!" Natsu yelled rounding the corner.

"NO! GO AWAY!" Sting ran into an empty ally way and put you down. He bent over trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry about that, but-" As he was about to finish his sentence, a leg from behind you came up and kicked him in the face.

"NATSU!" Sting yelled as Natsu picked you up bridal style and ran back out into the busy streets.


This went on for a while, until Natsu got tired and stopped at a restaurant and Sting caught up. Now, they were currently fighting over who you got to sat by as the waiter directed you to your table... a table with two chairs on each side.

"(Y/n) is sitting by me!"

"No, (y/n) is sitting by ME!"

"NO. (Y/n) is sitting by ME!"

They continued to tug you back and forth by your arms like a rag doll.

"Ok! Ok! Stop!" You pulled your arms back and threw them into the air.

"I'll sit in the middle, by no one." You pulled up a chair and put in the chair in the middle.

There was an uncomfortable silence as the two sat down.

"Ok, so someone with two mates has never been heard of before, at least, I've never heard of someone having two mates before..." You looked at the both of them. They both shook their heads, agreeing with you.

"So, maybe we should research, ask some of the older people, maybe some councilmen... but for now... I don't know what to do..." you said looking down at your lap.

"We don't either." Sting spoke up.

"We'll figure something out." Sting and Natsu smiled at each other before both turning to smile at you.

The end! Yaya!!!! Btw, you know your mates name when you look at them. Idk if that might've confused anyone

I finished my language arts state test! Yay! I also got accepted into the high school I was talking about earlier! Yayyay!

April fools at my school was brutal. Someone poured baby oil down the staircase, teachers freaked, did a locker check, found weed in someone's locker. The baby oil people were suspended, and so was the weed guy. They threatened to suspend anyone else who was going to prank so the 8th grade prank was demolished :-(

Anyways... until next time! Bye!~t

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