Gray x Reader

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Requested by: avasquez150

2nd pov

You were walking down the street, looking in stalls of the outdoor market. You were recently hired at 8-island as a full time waitress! But sadly, that also meant you had to run errands for Yajima sometimes, although that wasn't in your job description.

He had asked you to go buy some food so he can cook. Why? You weren't exactly sure, it was a magic restaurant, you were pretty sure none of the items on the menu could be made using regular food from the market. He mumbled something about trying something new, but without magic, you were sure he would burn the food.

You casually walked along the sidewalk, with no rush to get back to the fairly deserted restaurant, occasionally looking down at your shopping list.

Finally, after about half an hour, you'd managed to round up almost all of the items on your shopping list with only one left.

Apples. 5 apples.

Why would he need to buy apples? All of the other items on the list consisted of either vegetables or spices. Maybe Yajima had a secret obsession with apples?

You continued walking down the street on the search for apples. Most shacks already ran out of fruit after the morning hours, but luckily you found one that had exactly five apples left!

You paid for them and started putting them in a separate bag. The last apple fell to the ground and started rolling away. It stopped at a pair of black boots.

He leaned down and picked it up.

"Hey! That's my apple!" You said speed walking towards him.

He looked towards you and at that moment you realized...

He wasn't wearing a shirt...or pants...

"Oh my gosh! Dude! Put on some clothes!" You said covering your eyes.

"WHERE'D THEY GO?!" He started frantically looking around for his missing clothes. You decided to quickly go buy him some clothes at a nearby stall before he could flash any more innocent children with his nakedness.

"Here." You said holding the clothes out to him.

"Thanks. Here's your apple." He said handing the fruit to you.

"Thanks." You put the apple in your bag and scurried away before anything else could happen.



"Hello! Welcome to 8-island! How many people?" You said walking out with your writing pad in hand.

"APPLE PERSON?!" You heard a guy from the back of the group yell.

"STRIPPER GUY?!" He stood open mouthed pointing at you while his salmon haired friend laughed at him.

"STRIPPER GUY!" His friend laughed hysterically before the scarlet haired woman grabbed his head in her hand.

"Shut up Natsu."


"Um, sorry about that... table for seven please." A blue haired girl spoke up.

"Ok, right this way." You said leading them to their table.

"(Y/n) how do you cook an apple?" Yajima said walking out from the kitchen. "GAHH! FAIRY TAIL!"

"Hello Yajima-san." Said the scarlet haired woman.

"Huhhh, what are you kids doing here?" He asked sitting on top of the counter.

"We just got back from a mission! And we wanted some food!" Said Natsu.

"Aye sir!" Said a flying blue cat that you'd failed to notice before.

"Ugh, just don't destroy anything." He said walking back into the kitchen.

"Ok Yajima-san!" Said the blue haired girl.


After they finished eating they all left, except for the stripper guy.

"(y/n), right?" He asked.

"Stripper guy, right?" You asked back.

"My name is Gray."

"Well then, nice to meet you Gray. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work." You said picking up their dirty plates.

"Actually, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Will you go out with me?"

"If I say yes will you go away?"





Juvia grabbed a wall and cracked it.

"Juvia senses new love rival..."



I just wanted something to post this week so sorry if it's horrible! I'm very busy! Speaking of busy....



Song lyrics challenge thingy for this week!:

I like the summer rain
I like the sounds you make
We put the world away
We get so disconnected!
You are my getaway
You are my favorite place
We put the world away
Yeah we're so disconnected!


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