Lyon x reader x Sting

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Requested by: Ashley_Revialle

2nd pov

"Welcome back to The Mira Show! Today, we have with us, (y/n) (l/n), Sting Eucliffe, and Lyon Vastia! How are you guys?" Asked Mira sitting on a spinny chair behind a desk.

You, Lyon and Sting were sitting on a big sofa, with you in the center of both of them. Both of them were sitting closer than usual but you didn't really pay attention to it, they were some of your closest friends, so you didn't mind.

You were on the famous Mira Show, the number one talk show in Magnolia. You, Sting, and Lyon are in the new hit show "Fairy High!" After the first episode launched, you three were celebrities! Everyone knew you! You were invited to interviews, talk shows, more movies, parties, and other things you never thought you'd be doing.

"We're doing pretty well! How are you?" Asked Sting.

"I'm well!! (Y/n), this is your first time starring in a show correct?"

"Um, yeah, yes it is!"

"How is it? Do you think you'll be in more shows? Or any movies?"

"I love it! I think I'll audition in a movie next, but I'm not sure yet."

"Cool! And how was it working with these two?" Mira asked leaning foward.

You turned and looked at the two guys on both sides of you.

"They're both really really amazing people! I couldn't have asked for better people to work with!"

"Ahhhh, I really like you too (y/n)!" Sting said while wrapping his arms around you. Lyon settled for a pat on the head. After a while, Sting stopped hugging you but still had an arm around you, resting on top of the sofa. Lyon decided to do the same on the other side of you.

"Ok, let's talk about your new show, what is it about?"

"Um, it's about high school. (Y/n) goes to Fairy High and I go to Sabertooth academy while Lyon goes to Mermaid Heel High. We meet her at a party with all the high schools and we both like her and it's a love triangle I guess." Said Sting.

"So who do you think (y/n)'s character will end up with?"

"I personally think that her character is gonna end up with me." Said Lyon.

"No, it's gonna be me." Said Sting.

"Well, it seems we have a little disagreement here. What do you think (y/n)?" Mira asked.

"Um, I don't know honestly, guess we'll just have to wait and find out!"

"I guess so! Go on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and post what you think! Use the hashtag mirashow so I can see what you post! Thanks for coming guys! Until next time! Bye!" Mira waved at the camera as it turned off before thanking you again and heading to her wardrobe room to change.

Sting and Lyon both walked you home and wished you a good night before leaving to go home. Before you went to bed you checked your social media to see it was flooded with notifications. Everyone was tagging you with Lyon and Sting saying which one was better for you, in the show and in real life.

The end

Yes, this is kind of similar to the last one shot, I'm just kinda thinking about doing more au and I have no imagination taday! Comment au's you wanna see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's it, I is sorry!!!!! I couldn't think of anything for this one so it's really bad, I'm sorry!!!!!! Please forgive me!!!


*btw, I meant Lamia Scale high above, oopsies!


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