Chapter 9 ☹️

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The next day .......

Annabel 's pov. I woke up and had shadow's arm wrapped around me . I blush but I got over cause shadow was with me now and I loved more then he could only find out. I trun in front of him and said " wakie wakie sleepy head". He mupled and grumbled an all but he quite after I kissed him, he kissed me back two more times and then he kissed me on the chest . I stop him . I didn't know he was only just dream 'in and all but my... What a hedgehog of a man... He sure knows what romance means for any gender.... I blushed an laughed a little but I didn't wake him up. I see that he's really cute while he sleeps. I need to get out and going and all... Off! He push me down and I was ariereted cause I was only wereing my gawn. And nothing else.... Well that's just nice! The last thing I need is for my boyfriend here to be prevented.

I woke him up and he woke with red on his face . In not one bit of surprised of that. I smirked. I said to him " did u injoy your dream mr. Shadow the hedgehog?" He blushed mad at that. I knew he would be looking like that. Ha ! So funny...

Shadow pov.

Oh great my girlfriend figure me out.. Smart girl tho. I said to her " u pretty little u girl... Us love. To be honest here". She was like " mmmm sure.. Sure.. ". I got up and took and a shower . Got dressed . And went to her room. She was wereing a red dress, short brown boots that was two inch heels, her hair was cruled long... Wow.. Red my favorite of a girl color of a dress she's wereing. " hello babe.. " I said. She said " oh hi shadow.. U look nice as usual.. I just wanted to get dress up for the fun of it." She came to me and whirpers to my ear were I only can here. " and only for u too babe". She kissed me on the check and went to go to the door.
I smirked and said to myself " my my never I imagine that would happen... Hmp oh well she's my baby."

Normal pov.

Shadow and Annabel went to sonic house for a vist and everyone was thier. Everyone notice both of the two new changes in thier moods . Shadow seem really happy in a way well as long he had Annabel right by his side and Annabel seem even more happier. The gang got to know Annabel more an they injoy her hanging around with them.

Sonic asked shadow," are u two possibility datting?" The gourp gasped. Shadow said " yes, yes we are, and u can't have her FAKER!!"

Shadow hold Annabel closed and kissed her just to be sure. Sonic rolled his eyes and said " okay shadow ... I was only asking .. Apparently silver has a tiny crush on her.......... " " what."    " no I don't..... Okay maybe I like her a little but I ll get over it.. Wait well SONIC has one too!!!"     The rest of  gang just stared at the two boys with shock. Amy and blaze wore very jealous by the way...           Sadly Amy and blaze wore giving Annabel the death stare.      Knuckles and rouge they wore fine but they wore a bit freaked out by the news. And figure what was happening.      Shockley  they thought Annabel caused this since she ever met these guys so. By the end of the hang out they came up to her.    

     Shadow was mad at all of them.. He didn't care about any or blaze anymore he was getting tried of how they wore beginning to treat her.    " Amy I know right now u hate her , u too blaze. But that doesn't give a reason to treat her like she full of shit.Inside and out she's not that. U two know that. She's pourd of who she is."           " shadow I'm sorry , I'm happy two are together, really but she must stay away from my sonic I'm not going to risk losing my live to that cat . ".     " I agree with Amy shadow ,so go with your girlfriend  . And not cause everyone go WAR on each other . Or pay the price. ".        Blaze and Amy said to shadow .                  

Shadow was mad in angry and was stun of blaze an Amy of how they felt of this whole thing ..he knew that they would be thee only two actually be the Heros to these kind of things but man was he disappointed. He went to punch the helck out of sonic and silver of what they caused and put blame on his beloved brownie , he called of a nickname he created. He teleported to exasped the chaos. But forgot Annabel.......
           " Annabel, I'm sorry to tell u this but will have to not have with us.... Your causing to much tourble , dear." Rouge said.      Annabel was shocked. " no... Rouge u can't do this ! Your not the Lea- God! Fine since u people hate me now and all fine I will go!"       " wait Annabel, me and rouge are the only ones who isn't ... Well in that mood of u or shadow of anything like the others are."     Knuckles said to Annabel.         "we can set up a little club of our own."   Rouge said.          Annabel smiled and had faith in her now .    " okay great! Thanks guys for u understanding our relationship and for Friendship. ".          " your welcome Hun, now u two better befor the war start anyway......"   Rouge said.                Annabel  went to go find shadow but she couldn't find him .  " Annabel your love went away ... " Amy teased.          " Amy shut up! Your just being a jealous slut! I don't want hear word from u cat ether !"      Annabel once again felt left out of a nice gourp and knew to be regeted, an it came out to be that way.   She was out in the middle of twin lost, scared and sad. Worry sick of shadow !!  

           She sat down and forgot at this time of  the city she's in had bad crazy men...... Lordy!

       So.. To protect her she created a ice ,snow ,and water  , mini box . That just fit her sized. 


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