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One year later..............................

Shadow worked with gun and Annabel traveled but was very afraid of people tho but for a reason.   It was because of scourge!!! Ugh stupid ruff headed jerk!!!     Sorry back to the story.     Annabel came out of her wooden house she build last summer . She went to go worked her garden. And then came in side and fed her pet fox she adapted. Then went to town and went to the store got some more food and drinks.  While walking she saw a gourp of girls with a these guys and all . She forgot it's the most popular people.    She walked over to them and said " hello."  

Silver reginoze the girl and so stupidly as uasal for him........

" hi there! My name is silver the hedgehog! My friends here are, Amy Rose the hedgehog , blaze the cat, rouge the  bat, sonic the hedgehog and shadow the hedgehog. ".    Silver said .  Sonic says " hi there , what's your name ?"        " My name Annabel the cat , I live near the woods and across from the hill form here".   " would you like to hang out with us ?"     " sure, but I got to take this food home.."   " would you like for one of us walk u home Annabel ?"  " I mean u guys don't have to do that " " we would like too,".   " uh okay then.... Um meh."       Shadow just looked at sonic like sonic their u go again.... Ugh I feel sorry for . It looks like noun of them wants to walk her home... I guess I ll do it. Shadow step in and said to sonic " I take her faker... Don't put pressure on a girl  okay sonic .... ".   " faker! I wasnt trying to! I was only trying be helpful and friendly! Unlike u... Faker."  " hmp."   Shadow and Annabel went ahead going.                    Shadow said " do u want me carry some of those groceries for you? "   " um yeah thanks I really preciseate it."      Shadow and Annabel  got to the house and Annabel walked in . Shadow admire Annabel home how it was declared.   Annabel start puting away the food and drinks. Shadow sat at the counter table .    " you got a nice place here Annabel, did you build it?"       " yeah I did , it took me a year an half, long horrible winter too. But I sursived tho. Oh well."        " wow .... Your tough arnt ya?" " Mmm I wouldn't be that sure tho..."     " oh uh okay then.."    Shadow sees a fox and it's orange with blues eyes  and black feet. It hopes on him a make a sound " arf! Arf! ".    Annabel smile and trun around and said to shadow " that's my pet fox, oppy. She fisty and playful tho, she likes new people and I think your one of her favorites.."      " heh, well I never really had a fox this close to me ever ..  Hey Annabel we better get back befor they get any ideas .. Okay?"      " okay ".      They head back and while they were walking back to the gang.   Shadow saw  a poster on the building brek wall .           It had on the top of the paper     : Wanted Slave.
            Runaway .            It had a picture of a brown cat with long hair and a big think tail . Brown eyes and with a maiden dress on.

    Shadow was shocked fine that it was Annabel.   Why would he want her back in his house hold?   Annabel came up to him and said "what's you looking at ? ".  Shadow said" nothing! Um the wall!" He quickly put his hand on the Wanted Paper and done a flirted pose like he was gonna whilst at some girl or something.        " uhhhh shadow are u okay?"    " uh yeah! Just thinking how beautiful you are!"  What . What did I just say to her? No nnnn no. Lord.. Help.. Me..  Ugh it's no use..

Annabel blush deeply of hearing that for the first time in her life and trun away and said " I think u been drinking shadow.. I really think u have and ,what a shame!" Said a bit arritaiedat at shadow.      " sorry Annabel ..... I think I feel drunk.. Sorry."     " it's okay..... I've been with boys like that.  Fools tho . I've dealt with fools shadow .. One of them is my old boss .. Scourge the hedgehog . I hated him and I still do.  Ugh lets just go so I can cool down a bit".     Shadow saw mirsly in her eyes of what she been though... Shadow foolish now for saying that he was drunk. He wasn't drunk at all just trying to hide something form so she wouldn't run away from him and her good new life .

Annabel and the dark shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now