Chapter 17

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Sorry it's short! I've also decided, and you might not like this, I'm gonna start updating on Wednesdays and Sundays, just twice a week. I'm sorry, I just don't seem to have enough time these days to write in such a short space of time, especially since I'm trying to make the chapters a bit longer too. Saying that, this is kinda short, so I'm sorry about that :)


I gasped in shock, but the sound was masked by the loud bang as the bullet was released from the gun. I stared at in horror at the ground, where a small puddle of blood was rapidly growing near my feet.

I looked up in time to see Drake literally being dragged away from the room by Sam. It wasn't as if he was putting up too much of a fight though; he was too happy to watch the drama he'd created.

My attention was snapped back to the current situation with a loud gasp of pain. I looked at the others, both of them wide eyed, one particulary more than the other.

I felt around quickly for the torches, flicking them on and then ran to Jessie, catching her as her knees gave out, stopping her from falling onto the cold, blood-stained floor. Her blood.

Her hand was covering her stomach, where the bullet had entered, but her top was already soaked from her own blood, leaving a deep red stain. Her breaths were coming out in short gasps, full of pain.

"Colin, get my shirt!" I demanded, not even caring about how bossy I sounded in that moment.

I heard him scurry over to the other side of the room before he placed my ruined shirt into my outstretched hand. I quickly scrunched it into a tight ball before moving Jessie's small hand and pressing it firmly into the wound, like I'd seen happen so many times on TV shows.

She immediately winced in pain, and tried to pull back, but I kept it there. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I have to put it here. I'm sorry" I apologised, my voice cracking slightly.

"Well I hate to say I told you so," she gasped out with a chuckle, but it held no humour, only pain. She winced again, and squeezed her eyes shut from the pain. A tear trickled out the corner of one eye, tumbling gracefully down her soft cheek.

I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion, having no clue what she was talking about, but I tried to keep her quiet. "Shh, try not to speak." I mumbled.

"No" she breathed again. "Let me speak. Please?" she begged, her voice barely above a whisper.

I hesitated slightly, not knowing what to do. I knew it pained her to speak. I felt Colin's presence beside me, and turned my head to see that he'd sat down next to me. My gaze locked with his, and he gave a slight nod of his head. I turned my head back towards Jessie, who's eyes were staring up at me expectantly. I gave her a small smile and breathed "ok" before she continued.

"I told you so. I knew I wouldn't.." she paused, taking a deep breath beore continuing. "wouldn't make it out alive. I...I told you."

"Please don't Jessie. You're going to live. You have to," I replied, almost pleading.

She shook her head softly, her lips twitching up at the corners into a small smile, despite all the pain in her eyes.

"I won't," she said softly.

The confidence she had in those two simple words made me lose it. I forgot about my promises to myself. I forgot about looking weak. In that moment, I couldn't care less. I let my tears fall freely down my face as I stared into the pale face of one of the greatest people I'd ever met.

Jessie had been my friend in there. She made it that little more bearable. She was funny, friendly, and as stubborn as I was, but that's what I loved about her. She always made me smile. To see what was happening to her now made me regret our argument immensley. How could I have wasted so much time being angry at her? Why was I such a stubborn idiot? At that moment, I truly hated myself for it.

Jessie's quiet yet strong voice pulled me from my thoughts once again. "But you will. You both will. You......have to. Find a way to get out.......of here. There's got to be a way. There's.......always a way. Get out and live your life," she said, pausing every now and again to gasp out another breath.

"But Jess-" I started, but she cut me off.

"No. Don't. I....don't want to hear it. You'll get out. You're strong...and determined. Just live. for me." She finished, her eyes, full of unshed tears, staring right into my own, forcing her to believe her words.

I nodded my head again, smiling at her through my never-ending flood of tears. She grasped my hand tightly, and grasped Colin's with the other.

"Make sure she gets out Colin...And you too. Both of you. Please?" she pleaded, but it sounded like she was begging.

"I promise. I'll try my hardest to get us out of here. I'll never forget you," he promised, his voice turning into a whisper as he said his last sentence, his voice overcome with emotion.

"I'm so sorry Jessie. This is all my fault," I cried. How could I let this happen? I swore to myself that I wouldn't let her get hurt.

"No" she answered, her voice loud and clear in the room. "You protected me. This....isn't your fault. Please....don't ever think that."

"But-" I started, trying to protest.

"Don't. It's not....your fault" she interrupted, her breathing becoming shallower and faster, an obvious sign that her life was soon to be over. The thought made fresh tears pour out of my eyes.

Her grip on my hand loosened dramatically, and I looked at her face to see her eyes drooping.

"Jessie!" I yelled, the desperation in my voice clear as day. I didn't care. I just didn't want her to leave yet. Not ever.

She used whatever strength she had left in her body, and pushed her eyes open a bit further. A small smile graced her lips as she uttered "I love you."

The minute those words were out of her mouth, I knew that was it. She was gone. She'd used up all of her strength for three words. Three words that I would never forget. Three words that would hold haunted memories for me for the rest of my life.

Her hand went limp in mine, and her eyes drooped closed again, properly this time, as the ghost of her last smile was etched onto her face forever. She was gone.


A/N - So what did you think? Vote, comment? If you see any mistakes, please let me know so I can sort it out :) Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Next update Sunday hopefully :)

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