Chapter 15

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My eyes widened slightly as Sam stepped forward, pulling out a key from his pocket. He grabbed my right wrist first, and I let out an audible sigh of relief as the chain dropped to the ground. He quickly released the other too. My arms had never felt so light in my life.

I shook my arms out a little, revelling in the feeling of them being free. I never realised how much I hated those chains until they were off me.

Sam quickly but gently grabbed my upper arm, guiding me out of the room. I looked back briefly at the others to see panic evident on both of their faces. I didn't even know what to say to them. I couldn't exactly say 'see you soon' or 'be back in a minute'. For all I knew, this could be the last time I ever saw this room.

I settled on giving them a small smile each, looking into both of their eyes for a second. In Colin's eyes there was only worry and concern on what was going to happen.

But Jessie's face would haunt me for years. There were so many different emotions evident on her face. Her face was like an open book of emotions, extremely easy to read. I saw the fear in her eyes, the sadness, but most of all the regret. The lone tear escaping from her bright blue eyes and rolling slowly down her cheek as she mouthed 'I'm sorry' to me was the last thing I saw before the door was closed.

"Do you, uh- do you need the bathroom?" Sam asked awkwardly from beside me. I had been so caught up by looking back that I'd almost forgotten he was there. Almost.

"Uhm, yeah" I replied, some what sheepishly.

Sam quickly led me up the stairs to the bathroom that I was now familiar with. I quickly did my business then came out, returning Sam's small smile with a confused, hesitant one of my own.

He led me off in a different direction, one in which I'd never been before. It seemed as if it was just a muddy little track, but when we took a sharp right I could see exactly where we were going.

There was a building, a house, which I assumed Drake and Sam both lived in. It was two stories, made of cement and painted white. It had a tiled, slanted roof and large windows. The door was the stand-out feature though.

It had a stone arch surrounding it, emphasising the largeness of the door, as well as two steps leading up to it. The door itself was tall and wide, almost the size of two doors put together but with an extra foot added on to the top. It was painted a dark brown colour, and was made from oak. There was a small window near the top, obviously used to look at who was at the door.

I was surprised at how well concealed it was in it's surroundings. It was hidden by a large hill, which explained why I couldn't see it before. It obviously didn't attract any attention from the road either.

Sam stepped infront of me as we reached the door, still holding onto my arm. He didn't knock, he just pushed it open and let us in. I quickly looked around, taking in my surroundings.

We were in what was obviously the hallway. There were several doors on the left and right, all closed, as well as the staircase almost directly in front of us. The walls were cream, and the carpet was a blood red colour. I thought it seemed fitting for Drake.

Without even glancing at any of the doors, Sam led me straight up the stairs, holding onto the wooden banister at the side. The house was silent. There was no TV playing, no music. If I hadn't known any better, I would've said the house was empty, that there was nobody there.

But I knew better. I knew Drake was waiting for me. Knowing this, my thoughts quickly jumped to what was going on. Surely it wasn't a good thing. If Drake wanted to beat me, all he had to do was walk down some stairs. There had to be another reason I was there for. The reasons just didn't look so good.

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