Chapter 7

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I was pressed flat against the wall opposite the door as his head appeared round it. Just the sight of him gave me shivers, and definitely not the good kind. Soon enough, the door was opened wide enough to display his whole body, his tall figure in the door frame making the room seem even smaller than it already was. It was almost as if he was trapping me in there, and one look at his slightly smirking face confirmed those suspicions.

He was leaning casually against the wooden frame of the door, as if he didn't have a care in the world, just staring at me. I determinedly started back at him, not letting myself be the first one to break eye contact. It seemed we had the same idea, as he refused to break eye contact with me too. His eyes sent a warning message, a threat, for me to back down, but being the stubborn bitch that I was, I ignored it. I wasn't going to cower in fear before him, that wasn't me. My friends all knew me as the tougher out of us all, the stronger one too, physically and mentally. I was the type of person who took everything in my stride. I rarely took offence to anything, and I never cared what anyone thought about me. If people didn't like me, that was their problem. I wasn't going to change myself to make other people happy. I was blunt, and to the point too, but above all, I was a stubborn, naive, idiotic girl who had no idea about the true cruelty in the world. Sure, I'd heard about things like that, but I never thought it'd happen to me. Nobody does. It's not like you wake up one morning and think 'Oh, I'm going to be abducted today.'

The silent staring contest built up the tension in the room until it was almost suffocating, and I was so close to blinking and losing, but it was interrupted by the second man coming barrelling into the man at the doorway, effectively cutting off our eye contact as he stumbled several feet forward. I blinked rapidly several times to clear my vision, my eyesight being blurry and the images around me fuzzy from the lack of blinking.

Once my eyes were refocused, I realised that because of his stumble, the first guy was now only a few feet away from me, and the other one was slowly approaching me behind him. My gaze shifted between the two of them, unsure of what to do or how to react. The door was still open, and I gazed longingly out of it, already missing the light it offered. The first man noticed my line of sight and grinned at me, but not with happiness. No, that grin sent shivers down my spine and made the hairs on my arms stand up on end, and obviously not in a good way. His grin was pure evil, his eyes ice cold with his teeth bared threateningly.

I was so caught up in his grin that I didn't notice the other man walking into the room until he was right next to the other man. With them both in front of me, I could see how threatening they looked. They were both over 6 foot tall, and packed with muscle. With the same cold look in their similar eyes, and the same clothing attire consisting of black jeans and a black hoodie, they looked a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately for me, I reckoned with them.

They looked as if they were obviously related, because of their similar facial features. I guessed they were either brothers, or cousins. After staring at me coldly for several moments, they turned to eachother and started whispering, too quietly for me to catch anything. I frowned slightly when one of them ran off back out the room and up the stairs.

"Don't worry, Sam will be back soon," the man remaining in the room muttered.

So the second guy's name was Sam. I pondered over that for a moment, thinking about the Sam that I knew. He was one of my friends, and he was one of the nicest people I had ever met. Seeing such a contrast to him with the same name was rather odd for me. All I had ever known from a Sam was kindness, yet here was another Sam, with anything but that.

I was snapped back to attention by the sound of cracking knuckles. Normally I loved the sound, but coming from the man standing in front of me, it just made me nervous. I knew that he didn't exactly come down here to give me some pillows and a heater. I had a pretty good idea what they were down for. Well, I did after I heard him cracking his knuckles.

"You know, you're quite a nuisance. Do you have to make so much noise all the time? All that banging? What was that for? Hmm?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I didn't break my own silence though. I just carried on staring straight at him, not wanting to answer. If I answered, they'd think they could control me. Well, that's what I thought anyway. My silence didn't please him though, and he growled in frustration when he realised I wasn't going to answer him. The back of his hand had made contact with my cheek, hard, before I could even see it coming, sending me sprawling to the side. I managed to just catch myself on the wall, and pushed myself upright again.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!" he shouted, his rotten breath blowing straight into my face.

Not even knowing what to say to him, I just shrugged my shoulders. I could hardly say that I was doing it to annoy them. I couldn't exactly imagine that I'd recieve smiles and laughs if I told them that. I was an idiot, yes, but not that much of an idiot.

He still wasn't happy though, and he propelled his fist forward, straight into my gut, making me double over in pain, gasping for breath. Before I could even catch it though, he straightened me back up. Well, I say straightened, he just grabbed my head and threw it up again, forcing it to make contact with the wall behind me. Black dots appeared in the corner of my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away and tried to block out the pain coming from the back of my head. I knew that was going to turn out as a nasty bump in the morning.

"I don't like having to repeat myself. When I speak to you, you answer, understood? If you don't, there'll be consequences, much worse than the ones you've just recieved." he growled, and I could only nod in response.

At that moment, Sam came back into the room, carrying something in his hands. I couldn't make out what they were though, it was too dark to see, even with the light flooding in through the door. From the way his arms were positioned, both of his arms taking the weight, it seemed rather heavy. The other man backed up a little bit to stand next to Sam, and looked at the item. I heard him mutter something along the lines of excellent before looking back up at me.

"So I'm assuming you know why you're here?" He asked me, almost rhetorically.

"No actually, I don't," I replied, gazing round and the small, cramped room. It seemed as if there was absolutely no space with the three of us in the room, even though I knew there was plenty.

Sam and the other man glanced at each other momentarily, not expecting my answer at all, before turning back to me with their trademark evil grins.

"Well," Sam started, stepping forward and revealing what was in his arms. I let out a slight gasp, shocked at what I was seeing. Could that really be..? "This is going to be a lot of fun. For us anyway."


A/N - Hopefully this is slightly longer than all the others, I tried my best to make it longer. If you like it, maybe vote, and comment to let me know what you think? If you find any mistakes you could point them out too, it'd really help :) Thanks! Next upload should be Tuesday :)

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