A Neverland Christmas

Start from the beginning

The infinity sign stood out. "Forever together," was inscribed on the necklace. "Our first Christmas," was on there too. I looked at Michael and smiled. "You always do the opposite." I kissed him on the lips and let him put the necklace on me. Michael hugged me and kissed me again. "Bed time," he whispered. I smiled and let him carry me to our bedroom. 

I kissed him once more and wrapped my arms around his waist as we slow danced in our bedroom. "Our kids are going to be crazy like us," I informed Michael. He laughed and nodded. "I can't wait to see them in their teen years." Michael kissed my neck and ran his hands over my hips. I smiled and felt his cool beath send chills down my spine. 

I took in his scent and pressed my torso against him. Michael spun me around hummed to me. He began singing "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" to me. I smiled and stood on my tip toes to get with his height. Michael chuckled and held me tightly. "You're so wonderful," I whispered to him, "did you know that?" Michael shook his head. "I don't feel like sometimes." "Well you are," I informed him, "and you're the light of my life, boy." Michael laughed and kissed my shoulder then my neck. 

"You're a graceful dancer," I said to him. Michael laughed again. "Didn't think I could slow dance did you?" "To be honest...no I didn't," I whispered. Michael rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "It's fine," he whispered, "learn new things about each other." Michael tilted my chin up and kissed me softly on the lips. 

"It's been a month since we've made love ma'am," Michael said, "that disturbs the peace of some people." 

"Who?" I challenged. I wanted to know this answer. Michael's eyebrows rose and he grabbed my hand and placed on his belt buckle. "Who do you think it is?" He placed my hand south of his buckle. "Well, do you plan on restoring the peace?" I asked. "Someone better do it," Michael announced, "I would like my wife to restore the peace, but I don't think she's even following me plan." 

I giggled and kissed his neck. "I've done it before I can do it again." Michael laughed and laid on the bed. "Well, the peace would like to be restored." I sighed. "I have a question Mike," I said. Michael sighed. "What dear?" "What's his name?" "Whose?" 

I looked down and looked up at him. Michael grinned. "Mike Junior!" He announced in glee. I laughed and straddled him. "Mike Junior?" Michael nodded. "You're two kinds of special boy." Michael laughed and grabbed my thighs. "You asked? I wasn't going to tell you his name till New Years." I rolled my eyes and kissed his lips. Those sweet pink lips. 

Michael bit his lip. I felt my heart beat faster when he did that. "Stop that!" I hissed. "What?" Michael asked in shock. "Biting your lip....that's like...so..." "Panty dropping?" Michael bit his lip again. I covered my eyes. 


Michael laughed and grabbed my hands. "OK, I won't do it again." Lies!!! "You are such a bad liar." Michael sighed and threw his weight. I knew what this meant. I ended up on my back, looking up at him. Michael smiled. "It worked!" I rolled my eyes. Michael leaned down and kissed my neck. "I know you like it when I bite my lip, you better stop acting." I laughed and felt Michael gently suck my neck slowly. I felt a shudder go down my body and my body tense in pleasure. 

Michael took his shirt off and threw it back. I laughed and grabbed his lean figure. "Damn boy," I whispered. "What?" Michael whispered as he unbuttoned my shirt that I stole from him. "Nothing," I replied against his smooth skin. I felt our fingers lock together. "You're beautiful," I whispered. Michael kissed me on the mouth, but as he pulled away he gently held my bottom lip between his teeth. I gasped when he let go. 

"New trick I learned." 

I smiled. "Now I can work with that!" I exclaimed. Michael laughed. "Hush woman. You're laughing is throwing my mood off." I smiled and let Michael take over...as usual. I thought about how he was always doing the work. I bit my lip and decided to try my own move. I threw my weight just like Michael did. 

"Dammit Bey!" 

Michael was getting frustrated at me. I smiled. "I did it...I did it," I sang. Michael sighed. "I'm giving you your present!" I whispered. Michael sighed and folded his arms behind his head. "Go for it!" I smiled. "You won't forget it." 

I kissed him and began to work my magic. I was working on some choreography and decided to use it on Michael. I put Michael's hands above his head and held them like how he did me. Michael chuckled and reached long arms out and held the head board. "Better?" I rolled my eyes. I slowly placed kisses all over his perfect body. I noticed that he was stressing against his boxers. I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows. Michael looked down at me. "Go for it."

I slowly pulled them down while humming softly to myself. I found myself being really confident at this. I swung my head over and placed myself on him. I began to hum to myself as my hips began to move slowly to the music in my head. 

"If I ain't got nothing...I got you...." 

"I don't know much about algebra but I know 1+1=2...and it's me and it's you..that's all we'll have when the world is through..." 

"Darling you got enough for the both of us...so come on baby make love to me.." 

Michael embrace me as my mind began to take over. I didn't even feel present at this point. I just made love to the man I loved the most. I suddenly felt that familiar pull. By that time, Michael was enjoying himself. I smiled and kissed him softly on the lips. "Girl," he panted, "you...are...damn." 

Michael laid on his back in utter shock. I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. "Were you a pornstar in another life?" Michael whispered. I hit him on the chest and climbed off of him. "Dammit it was romantic until you said that!!" Michael laughed and hugged me. "Merry Christmas Bey." Michael bit his lip at me. I sighed. "Yeah, I see you're going to keep doing that regardless," I whispered. Michael nodded. 

"Always ma'am. Always." 

Author's Note: Well I'm going to change the cover for this book. I'm not liking it like I thought I was liking it. So, I was watching Beyonce's Revel concert and she starts doing 1+1 and I realized that she used that in her documentary "Life is But A Dream" and FYI....that nigga is a freak!! I thought I was nasty, but Beyonce and her grinding...on that piano...was too much for my young eyes! So, I got nasty and decided to use her choreography and imagined Michael under her......it's a shame that I'm a preacher's daughter and I do this in my spare time....lol. But another thing have you all seen Michael bit his lip!? If I was Beyonce I would just bend over and say "Nigga I'm ready....for Mike Junior! LOL!!!" My friend said Mikezilla sounds better...lol everything's a zilla in her eyes. But on a serious note, did you all hear about Paris Jackson's suicide attempt! I don't want Michael's daughter to die! She seems funny and sweet. I hope she's OK. :( Michael's probably crying in heaven at all this BS going on in his family..... And on a lighter note! Wanna kik? I'm bored this summer. I've never spoken to anybody from wattpad outside of wattpad...so why not get to know me! Kik: kisses_n_misses    ....I'm nervous...and don't talk any shit when you kik me because I'll talk shit back! Just because I'm a preacher's daughter doesn't mean I'm a angel...fyi before you buy! Go look up "Michael Jackson's First Christmas" on Youtube to see what happened in the chapter. It's cute ^.^ All right Chao hoes! I wrote alot....damn.... 

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