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Karissa pov

I tilted my head to the side while I listened this egoistic motherfucker rant about how ugly I am. My right hand starts to shake I want to punch him so bad, I mean am not ugly at all am sexy as hell, with curling hair plum pink lips, long eye lashes, hazel eyes with specks of green, Nicki Manji ass only mine is real and big boobs. I guess that's what you get from to half black people( my parents)

"Dad we don't fucking need england I rather stick a sword up my ass than marry this stupid girl." He shouts am so close if he opens his mouth I swear to God ama kill him.

"Son this plan was drawn up after John could have any more children, you are going to marry her because he does trust any other under boss but me, I personally think its a good idea, " his father stated, I mean I do anything for my father even marry this piece of shit.

"Alex come we leave them alone to speak about the wedding, " my father spoke to his father, Haha am going to choke this motherfucker, Dumass.

"Rissa don't you dare shoot him," dad warned, aww that find I could always kill him with something else. And with that warned they walked out the study.

"Am never gonna love you or fuck you,you just to ugly I mea-" his words got cut off by me punching him in face braking his perfectly straight nose.

"Fuck off you bloody wanker, I don't want you either so stop winning like a child and marry me so I can run my under world, I don't give a Fuck if you stay faithful or not, but if you get a mother woman pregnant I kill her in front of you," I said while he held his bloody nose,his jaw hit the floor.

I really looked innocent and quiet yet another stupid man to underestimate me.
"This means war Marissa." He stood up to his 6,5 height I stood to my 5,5 height I was short compared to him but I killed me tall and buffer than him.

"Aww, you think am scared, " I paused and climbed on the coffee table now making myself a couple inches taller. " baby am just as bad as my father, just as bad as yours and just as bad as you," when I finished he was glaring at me and I was glaring right back.

I did it when he least expected it. Who knew a 130 pound 18 year old girl could take down a 220 pound 18 year old boy. He fell backwards right into the sofa he sat on while I punched him in the face the sofa fell backwards and I rolled off him like a boss.

He got up fire in his eyes was clear he ran towards me like a bull and slammed me into the book case, I dropped to floor and slid under him and punched his nuts his dropped to the floor i ran toward the sofa I sat on where me gun was when he came out of now where and slammed me into the coffee table breaking with impact.

One thing led to other and now my father's study is in a mess, I held Alexander in a choke hold, my legs wrapped around his neck and I held his left arm in a twist, his free hand clawed at my bare legs as he struggled to breathe.

The door opened and there stood our father with their jaws open wide.
"Rissa let him go now" by father ordered but am do mad I didn't listen.
"Karissa Nicole Michelson, let go of him Now!," he shouted I hated that name Nicole name after that whore. I let him go as he finished that sentence, Alexander was coughing , gasping for air.

"Pussy, " I sneered at him, got up and walked towards the nearest guard and punched him in the face,
"Sorry Mike, " I wiped my mouth,and turned to watch my father with anger he knew how much i hated the name Nicole.
"What the hell did you do to get her this mad, " my father asked Alexander Jr.

"You call yourself a man, he can hardly throw a bloody punch, I be in the gym fucking up some poor bodyguard. " I said to them and walked out.

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