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Dedicated to GeolaReader for always being so supportive and crazy awesome at the same time! XD Thanks for being my shadow, bae. ;) Wouldn't be the same without you.



What the hell?

XD It's been a while, hasn't it?

Uh huh, were you busy with Christian Grey? ;)

-_- Ugh. Stop, please. It's getting old, really.

XD Okay, okay. How've you been?

I've been good. You?

Not so much. My mom drives me crazy sometimes. She's such a clean freak.

XD Like you?

Please, I'm not a clean freak, I'm just a grammar freak that's all. :3

Sure, so did she get mad that you didn't clean your room?

Yep. -_- She said: Jane Dickson, I'm not pleased about the way you ignore the tidiness of your own room. You're a mannered young lady.

Wait, wait, wait. Hold up!

........ Your last name is Dickson?

........ Oh. Shit.

Oh. My. God.

Say anything and I'll rip you apart.

XD Omg! XD I can't believe this! Woo!

Bye, not talking to you now.

Oh, come on. This was just getting good! XD


Dickson? XD




>.< Come on, don't be a dick! XD

..... Go fuck yourself!

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