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Dedicated to Humble-Human95. You're the only person who knows my real identity outside of Wattpad so I must kill you. X3 Just kidding, I love you to bits and thank you so much for the years of support and fun. I hope we'll grow old and tell stories of our years together to our grandchildren or something. X3 Btw, what's today's color? ;)


Mr. Grey will see you now.


XD! You're so fun to tease!

Haha, very funny, you sadistic person. I shudder to think how you'd treat me if we met in real life.

I swear I'd use that line on you.

I don't doubt it. :3 So, what's up?

Just thinking about publishing my story. I have the first few chapters saved up in my drafts.

Awesome, go ahead. I'd love to read your work.

Yeah, but I still think it needs some more editing.

For how long have you had it saved in your library?

....Seven months.

....You, my friend, are a hopeless perfectionist.

Thank you. Note the sarcasm.

Oh, I didn't miss it. Speaking of friends, are we friends?

No, we're more like pen pals except we don't communicate through letters and we're not pals.

I'm slightly offended but I really think we have a connection.

Negative, we don't.

It's a virtual connection.


Hey, that's my line.

Virtual ConnectionWhere stories live. Discover now