"Oh Hun." She says as she wraps me in a hug. "It'll be okay."

"I'm not so sure. I've hurt Liddy. She broke our engagement."  I hear her breath catch. She wasn't expecting to hear that.

"She did what? Why?"

"Because, because she figured out I still have feelings for Renee."

Her breath catches again. "You do? Have you acted on those feelings?'

I lean back so I can look her in the face. "Not in the way you are implying, but I've done stupid things like choose to spend time alone with Renee and Harper instead of Liddy."

"When did you realize you still loved Renee?"

"Last night after Liddy confronted me with all the things I've been doing. I didn't want to believe it..... God, mom.... I'm so confused. How can I be in love with two woman at once?"

She's quiet. I can tell she's choosing her words wisely. "You really can't be IN LOVE with both of them at once., but you can certainly love each of them. " She sighs. "So how did you and Liddy leave things?"

"She told me to figure out who I love more, then to let her know."

Mom, looks relieved. "She doesn't hate you?"

"No, and that's the thing, she should. But instead she still loves me and is willing to wait till I figure it out. How can she do that? If the roles were reversed, I'd be long gone."

"Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't. So when did she break off the engagement?"

"Yesterday morning, after she overheard me invite Renee to join Harper and me at the park."

"Oh.... Have you told anyone else about the break up?"

"No, Liddy asked me to keep it quiet until I knew for sure."

"So Renee doesn't know yet?"

"No, I haven't told her."

"How come?"

"I'm not sure. I guess because I didn't want to admit I had any feelings for her until a few hours ago."

"So do you know what you're going to do?"

My eyes start to fill with tears. "Not a clue."


Liddy's POV

"Have you heard anything from Hunter?" Liz asks as she joins me on the couch.

"No, and I don't expect to. It's been two and half weeks."

"That's not that long. There's still a chance."

"I really don't think so. From the bits I get from Harper it sounds like Hunter and Renee have been together every day since I broke the engagement. Harps is always saying mommy and daddy did this or that."

"I'm so sorry to hear that." She says as she leans over to give me a hug. "You seem to be handling it really well."

I force myself to laugh. "I was a wreck the first week. But it's getting better now, that I have a plan."

"What plan?"

"Remember I asked you last week if you could watch Harper for a few hours tomorrow because I have an appointment."

"Is that tomorrow?" She sounds alarmed. "I thought it was next week."

"It's definitely tomorrow. I have a job interview scheduled. Is there a problem?"

"Yay, there is. I have a very important meeting with my publisher that I can't miss. It's in Knoxville, so I'm leaving early in the morning to drive there and I won't be back till very late. I'm so sorry. I got the date mixed up."

"It's okay, I'm just glad we realized it now. I guess I'll have to reschedule it."

"Can you ask Hunter?"

"God no! He'd ask me what the appointment was for and I don't want him to know I'm looking for another job. Not until I have everything lined up. Then I'll tell him."

"Where is this job, if you get it?"

"In northern California."

"What! That's so far away!"

"I know it is, that's why I put my name in for it. I can't stay around, Liz. As much as I will miss you, I can't be anywhere near Nashville. It would be too difficult to move on living in the same place as Hunter."

"I understand. I'm just going to miss you like crazy."

"Don't be sad yet. I haven't gotten the job and I probably won't because I need to reschedule the interview."

"What about Lynette and Leo? I've heard them tell you numerous times to call if you need any help."

"I could, I'm just afraid that it'll be awkward. I'm sure Hunter's told them about the break up."

"They are wonderful people. They will bend over backwards to not let it feel that way. Go a head and call them."

"Okay, you've convinced me. I will call in a bit, but I have a few other things I need to tell you before Harper wakes up from her nap."

"I'm listening."

"Well, I want you to know that I plan to move back into my apartment tomorrow afternoon, after my interview."

"But why?"

"I feel like I've taken advantage of your hospitality long enough. That and the fact that Harper wants to go swimming in her pool and she misses playing with Cole."

"Are you sure you're strong enough to start seeing Hunter everyday? And maybe even Renee?"

"I think I have it worked out. I'm going to ask him to text me right before he leaves every morning and when he does I'll open my apartment door that connects to his house. Harper can come waddling in and then I'll shut the door. Once I know he's gone, she and I can go hang out in the main house. Then when he's on his way home I will be sure to be in my apartment with Harps. I'll have him text me when he's in the hallway, then I'll open the door so she can go running into his arms."

"That sounds like a good plan, but what about Renee. What if she's there?"

"If she is I will try my hardest to avoid her. Keep in mind it may only be for a few weeks. If everything goes well with this job I'll be moving soon."

"But what about Harper? She loves you. "

"I know she does, but since Renee has been spending more time with her, Harper isn't as needy as she use to be. She's bonding with her mother, which is a good thing. It will make it easier on her when I leave."

"Wow, you have this all planned out and you seem so calm about it."

"Trust me, I still have my moments when I curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep. Like almost ever night. I still love Hunter with my whole heart, but I know that raising Harper in a traditional family is very important to him. So I'm happy for him."

"You are one amazing woman, Lindsay Deans. I hope he realizes someday what he's giving up."


Looks like Hunter has made his choice... Sorry..

Don't hate me, please.

Feel free to comment, but nothing mean or hurtful, I would appreciate that.

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