We walked inside of Theodore's room while he continued to talk to some woman. Based on the way she was writing everything down that he said, she must've been one of the social workers here to speak to everybody. She turned around and glared at Isaiah and I.

"Are we not supposed to be in here or something?" Isaiah asked her.

"No. No you're not but we're finished anyways. I need to speak with each of you later, so I'll be back around here in about 45 minutes, after I get done speaking with everyone else, to talk to you two," she informed us before she turned back to Theodore. "And just so you know young man, your actions could cost your entire family a lot. I have no clue as to whether or not you'll go back to your parents after this. Your parents could go to jail for negligence based on you acting immature."

"You're acting like I wanted to get stabbed on my birthday," Theodore yelled but his voice was crackly and hoarse. "I didn't ask to get stabbed at my birthday party. I didn't do anything wrong and I knew all of the people there, so I don't know why you all up in my face tryna talk to me about my parents, my relationship with my parents and how things are at my house. You already told me my Mama never came and my Dad ran out crying like a little bitch, so obviously you can see how my family is and you can see the relationship I have with my parents."

I sighed. As much as I hate to agree with him, right now isn't the time to be talking about this and she's definitely not the person to be telling all of this to. She's the deciding factor on our family structure and he's just running off at the mouth, telling this rude lady all of our business. She's just taking all of this in to build up a case against Mama and Daddy and eventually get Daniel and Theodore taken away from them.

"Stop talking like that," Isaiah told him. "Man, you love your parents and they love you. Your Dad ran out crying because he was upset and he's hurt. Your Mama is too, that's why she couldn't stomach to be here either. People handle pain and grief differently T3, so you just gotta deal with it. They'll be around here to see you in the morning so just chill out. Do you even know the extent of what happened to you?"

"Obviously. I can't fuckin' feel my legs so I know the extent of what happened to me. That's why this old lady is here talking to me, tryna get split our family up," Theodore explained.

"Nah, you're the only one tryna split our family up. Stop talking like you live this miserable life T3 and be happy you're only partial paralyzed. You could be fully paralyzed and never be able to walk again, they could've stabbed you in the face or worse, they could've stabbed you in the heart or slit your throat and killed you. You're in a messed up situation but you gotta look at things on the brighter side. You're not as bad as you think you are," Isaiah explained.

"Yeah, well you come lay up in this bed then."

The social worker sighed. "I think I've heard enough from you young man. You need serious medical attention. Not because of your injuries but you need to be medicated for your horrible attitude. You have severe social issues and insecurities that need to be dealt with. I'm going to talk with your doctor to see if he can put you on some anti-depressants and get you on suicide watch because you're a very sad and miserable soul and I feel bad for anybody who has to be around you."

"Yeah, whatever. Get out of my room," Theodore shoo'd her away. "Go find somebody else to harass."

The social worker gathered her things before hurrying out of the room. I get why Theodore's upset, and I would be too if I was in his situation but he doesn't have to take his anger out on people trying to help him. I guess he's just frustrated with his condition. How will things be now that his legs have no use to him? Things are going to dramatically change but he can't be frustrated about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This isn't his fault.

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now