“I just want to know what’s going on with you. You’re not your cheery self” he said. My shoulders dropped and I felt all the weight from these past few weeks.

“It’s nothing” I sighed. He opened his mouth to argue but I cut him off.

“I have to go I have practice” I said wearily before leaving him there with his mouth open.

When I got home that evening I heard laughter from the kitchen. Mom and dad were cooking dinner but it looked like dinner was their last priority. I raised an eyebrow and stood by the wall as I watched them. Dad was making his famous chili sauce. He took a spoon and fed it to mom kissing her passionately afterwards. He snaked his arms around her pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss. I had to clear my throat before it got too out of hand. They jumped at my sound and turned around to face me. Mom blushed lightly and I had to hold back my laughter.

“Please not in the kitchen. People eat in here remember” I joked smirking at them. Mom turned beat red and dad stuck his tongue out at me playfully.

“Do you need any help” I asked walking over to them. Mom smiled and nodded her head. I smiled and ran up the stairs to wash up before going back down stairs to help my parents with dinner.

“Is Eric coming over tonight” my mom asked hesitantly as I was setting the table. I stopped and looked at her. She looked at me waiting for my response. I sighed and shook my head. She looked disappointed.

“Are you guys fighting” she pressed. “You guys are inseparable and I don’t like it when you fight. You’ve been best friends from since you were in diapers” she stressed.

“Mom we’re not fighting, it’s just that our after school activities are keeping us apart” I sighed. Her expression showed that she didn’t buy it for a second.

“That hasn’t stopped you before” she raised an eyebrow.

“Mom can we please just not talk about it” I begged. “Everything's fine” I assured her. She gave me a skeptic look before closing the subject.

Dinner was fun. Dad wouldn’t stop pulling jokes about the people at his work. Mom would occasionally glance worriedly over at me but every time I caught her looking I would send her a reassuring smile.

I went to bed early. I completed my homework in an hour. I looked over to Eric’s window and saw that his lights were on but his curtains were closed. I sighed knowing that my best friend is hiding something from me. I went to bed and tried not to cry over my friend, but failed miserably. I’ve never felt more alone than I do now.


“Lori” Chris shouted running down the hallway, looking like an idiot. I smiled shutting my locker.

“Sup Chris” I beamed. Chris and I have been getting along quite well these past couple of weeks. Especially since Eric and I haven’t really gotten to hang out as much.

“Can you come over tonight? I have a Spanish test tomorrow and I need to review” he said begging me with his eyes. 

“Haha sure, I’ll come over” I said smiling, but my smile dropped when I noticed Ashley clinging onto Eric’s arm down the hallway. Chris saw me glaring and followed my gaze.

“What’s up with those two anyways? Since when were Ashley and Eric ever friends?” Chris asked confused.

“I dunno” I sighed. I didn’t want to talk about it. Just seeing them like that made me want to barf. I couldn’t stand the thought of Ashley getting her slutty claws on my Eric.

“I’ll see you later” I grumbled shutting my locker angrily. I walked past Eric and Ashley my blood boiling with each step I took.

“Lor” Eric called out. I slowly turned around composing myself making sure that the bitch didn’t get the satisfaction of seeing how much this affected me.

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now