Chapter 1

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I switch pronouns of the characters when they're in drag so if I say she while Phil is Scarlett just know that it's him. I'll clear up any confusions if you ask.

Phil pov

    It was a typical day for me: wake up, go to school, and come home. But at the end of the day is when the fun really began for me. My parents believed me when I told them I tutor kids at night down at the library. But the truth is, I'm a drag queen.  There I said it.

    Not that I was ashamed, but I would certainly be outcasted by my peers and family.  But my fellow queens and I were like a family all on our own. No judgements were made and we could be whoever we want.

I strolled down the simile lit street with my bag in hand of all the makeup and my costume. The sidewalk was surprisingly busy and I bumped into a man who yelled "watch where you're going f*g." I turned around to see the perpetrator but I only saw the back of his head and that leather jacket. I just pissed off the school bully.

I speed-walked in case he changed his mind and decided to come give me a lesson. After arriving at the club, I entered the back door and greeted my friends who were already in costume.

    "Hey Scarlett! You ready for the big show tonight?" Asked Tanya who was currently putting eyeliner on her second eye, which I might say was very symmetrical with the other. I could never do makeup like that. I always had to ask for someone to help me. But these ladies were professionals. They've been doing this for years. I'm fairly new to the drag scene.

I asked Tanya and Wilma for help contouring and putting on foundation and all that jazz. The chemicals being splattered onto my face smelled like vanilla thankfully. My eyeliner and shadow was very over the top while my contour was also extreme. But that's the point of drag. You want to be unrecognizable of your other self and put on the persona of your other person.

     Shortly after squeezing into my skimpy yet fitting dress and boa, it was show time. I always went on last because I was the youngest and that's a tradition with us. Maybe soon someone new will come in and be just like me. But for now I had to await behind stage and be nervous about my performance. 

      Tanya was on now and she had the entire crowd laughing and cheering. She was really good with people that way.

      Soon enough, it was my turn. I strutted onto stage, posing when I stopped. Cheers erupted from the club. I searched out into the crowd to find a few regulars. And oh no. The guy I bumped into on the way here. The school bully.

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