Night let out a growled, snarling angrily at Saturn.

"Please behave Night." I begged.

"We'll get out of here okay, we just need to pretend we've given up."

Fine, but if they hurt you I swear...

"Okay, you can do what you want but for now at least behave."

Night nodded as Saturn grabbed my arm and yanked me from the room, dragging me back to my original seat. He grabbed my wrists and tied them back behind me back. I wanted to fight back but if I wanted to escape I needed them to let their guard down so I had to seem like I'd given up.

"Now not another word or I'll get the tape again."

"Whatever." I mumbled, staring out the window while shifting my position in attempt to get more comfortable. The moon by now was high in the sky and the stars twinkling in the night. At any other time, it would be a beautiful night. I possibly would of gone off a little with Red and we would talk while Silver spied on us from beyond our sight. He couldn't evade my aura sense though. He didn't know I knew he spied on us but I wasn't planning on saying anything.

It by now was quite late, I'd be attempting at sleeping by now, hoping to go without nightmares for the night but I wouldn't sleep here. So I simply stared out into space until we were to land. Night and I struck up a plan on how we were going out of this when we land. I wasn't even sure what Cyrus wanted with me but we both agreed that we would try and remain together. Every once in a while, I caught Saturn glancing back at me, most likely making sure I was behaving myself. I either ignored him or poked out my tongue and pulled a childish face. Hey as long as I didn't say anything, I'm not breaking my promise.


It must of been an hour later that the helicopter landed. I was untied briefly before my arms were clamped behind my back again but this time with think metal hand cuffs that also held my palms flat against each other. A grunt held me securely by my upper arm while two more carried Night's cage which had a cloth draped over the top. I felt Night enter my mind as she saw and heard through my eyes and ears.

What do you think will happen?

"I don't know but be quiet."


I was lead from the copter to the chilly outside. I shivered slightly, shifting from foot to foot. I caught sight of Cyrus and glared at him with disdain. "Fuck you." I hissed as I passed him.

"I'm almost hurt, and after I got a nice little cell prepared especially for you."

I glared at him as I was dragged into a building and down countless halls and passages. The grunts carrying Night followed behind me. I tried my best to remember the way out but all the warp pads and hallways made it impossible.

Eventually I was pushed into a cell and the cuffs securing my wrists were removed. The grunts carrying Night kept going, she started growling and attacking the bars of her cage as she was taken further away. I tried to attack the bars but my attacks vanished to nothingness as soon as they hit the barred wall. I grabbed the bars only for an electric current to course through my body before I quickly recoiled. It wasn't that strong, only a  warning shock. I took a few steps backwards, looking around my cell for anything that I would use as a weapon.

The cell was bare apart from a door that lead to a small bathroom containing nothing but a small toilet (one of the gross metal ones that barely even flush) and a sink. The door didn't even have a a proper handle. Just one you'd find on a cupboard or something rather then a door. When I tested the door though, it would stay closed when I shut it, maybe it was magnetic or something. I don't know or particularly care.

A small dusty mattress sat in the corner a folded duvet and a pillow sat neatly at the end. Well at least I could stand straight, unlike with Team Prosperity.

I cursed several times, running my hand through my hair while pacing the length of the small cell. Why was this happening again and why so soon? It had literally been days since I'd gotten out of the evil teams base.



"How far away are you?"

Not that far, if I could get out of here I could make it back to you without a problem.


Are you okay?

"Freaking out but I'm fine."

Can you get out?

"Would we be here if I could?"


I heard approaching footsteps and forced myself to remain calm. "I'll get back to you. Someone's coming."

Night entered my mind again so she could watch what was happening. It really didn't bother me if she was in my head or not anymore, as long as she doesn't poke through my memories and crap like that I didn't care.

I kept pacing, pretending not to be bothered by the arrival or Cyrus.

"Something on your mind?"

"Stalking teenage girls has really become an unhealthy obsession of yours. Maybe you should get that looked into." I snapped back, glaring at him.

"Naw, are you angry with me?"

"What do you fucking think?"

"Do not swear in my presence Emma, or I'll make you go without dinner." He mocked.

"Go ahead. It's not like I haven't already missed it." I growled. "Go fuck yourself."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow. "Fine then, we'll see how a few days without food satisfies that temper of yours."

"Fuck you." I glared, my hands balling into fists as I glared at my father with hatred.

~Hope's pov~

I sniffed my way through the under growth, trying desperately to find my trainer. After battling several Team Galactic grunts, we were trying to find both Emma and Night. We'd heard Emma's screams calling out for Silver but the grunts had been holding us back until they'd simply vanished. Now they were all missing and we were trying to pick up her sent.

Her Pokémon were anyway, Silver Red and Anne were staying back at the camp in hope that Emma had hidden herself and would make it back there. I caught the sent of fresh blood which made my nose crinkle in disgust. Never liked that sent but I forced myself to sniff again, taking in the smell and trying to distinguish its owner.

I could label the sent as Emma's blood fairly quickly. I was both happy and unhappy about this. Happy because it was a lead on Emma, unhappy because she was bleeding. I followed the sent it source but I quickly lost Emma's trail from there. I searched for several hours until I was found by Guardian and lead unwilling back to the camp where I reportedly dead end findings to the older members of Emma's team, since the little ones had fallen asleep with Anne.

Although no one said it we all knew what had happened, Emma had gotten caught again and we weren't there with her. Meaning she could be in more trouble then any of could even begin to say.

Word count: 1838

Long chapter and a short one in one day! Yay! Most the next chapter is already written to cause I started it a while ago ^.^"

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