Untitled Part 33

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          I guess you could say that I was excited about tracking Jessie down. Then again, I was also pretty nervous because I didn't know if Tyler would be alright with it or not. I mean, He has to be right? I am finding his sister back, who doesn't want that? I planned on going tomorrow since it was going to be Saturday, my grandpa said that would work perfect for him because no one would really be in the building and we could work faster and better. I just told Tyler that we could hang out later that night because I had some things to get done for my mom. Did I feel bad about lying, yeah a little; but I also know it was for a good reason.

          "What are you and grandpa up to?" Brayden asked as he leaned on the frame of my doorway. I look up at him from my lap top. I was laying on my bed looking at facebook, I didn't even notice he had walked up until he said something.

          "Nothing, why?" I say sitting up. He gives me that look, the one where he knows I am up to something and I better tell him.

          "Bullshit Brook, now spill," He says crossing his arms. I roll my eyes at him and shut my lap top.

          "Shut the door and come here," I say making him smirk. He knew he always won these battles. He walks in, shutting the door behind him and walks over and takes a seat on the bed next to me and stares me down.

          "I knew there was something," he teases making me smack his chest making him laugh.

          "Shut up, you have to promise not to tell anyone! Especially mom and dad, and Tyler!" I say making him give me a weird look. 

          "God, you are acting like you murdered someone," he says making me glare at him. There are times where I loved having an older brother. Then there are times like right now, where I wish he was someone else's nosy brother and didn't ask so many questions or get protective over everything.

          "Grandpa Johnson is going to help me find someone," I start with. Right away Brayden gives me that look again. "Oh don't even, it is for a good reason Bray," I explain making him shake his head.

          "I don't like this idea. For one, grandpa is supposed to be retired and out of that stuff, and this is dragging him back in which is going to give grandma a heart attack if she finds out. Second, usually if someone goes off the grid, there is a reason they don't want to be found Brooklyn," He says giving me the whole speech about how this was a terrible idea and what not.

          "They didn't choose to go off the grid... It's Tyler's little sister Jessie, their dad took her away when Tyler's mom was sick. He hasn't heard from her since and he doesn't even know where she is... I just want to help him," I say making Brayden look at me.

          "Like I said Brooklyn, if she wanted to be found she would have found a way to find Tyler or contact him. Clearly, if she hasn't done that yet, then she doesn't want to be found," he says making me get mad.

          "Okay then tell me this, if that was your situation, wouldn't you want to know if I was alive and okay?" I say. I knew playing that card would win him over. I knew the tricks and weakness to my brother.

          "Of course I would want to find you... But dad would never separate the family to begin with and you know that... Besides, you don't even know where to start," he says making me smile.

          "Actually, grandpa can look up the last credit card purchase under their dads name and start there. Please Brayden, Tyler deserves to know his sister is alright and doing okay," I say with a puppy dog face. He gives me an annoyed yet amused look.

          "Alright fine, I won't say anything. But, you have to promise that if you decide to take a trip somewhere you take me with you. Because I'm not about to have my baby sister get lost or worse," he says making me smile and hug him. It was nice having a brother like him, caring and protective.

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