Untitled Part 22

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          After a day of being at the hospital, Lexi suggested we just go home; that she would be sure to call as soon as Tyler was able to leave the hospital. Of course I didn't want to leave him. We had just became a thing, then this happens. I was not about to just walk out on him when he needed people surrounding him. After an hour of arguing with Lexi, Brayden finally got me to go home. Sadly, the whole ride home I didn't speak a single word to any of them, and everyone was with us. When we pulled into the drive-way, dad and mom were sitting on the porch waiting for us. All our friend quickly said their goodbyes before leaving, and Brayden slowly got my crutches from the trunk and handed them to me. I was fine, but just sore; so the doctor gave me crutches just in case it hurt to bad to walk. I used them of course, because right now it hurt like no tomorrow.

          "What did the doctors say?" my mother asked right away as my dad helped me up the few steps to the deck.

          "She has a few torn tendons and other things, nothing major. She will just be sore for awhile," Brayden speaks for me because he knew I was upset. My mother just shook her head at me.

          "Are you crazy Broolynn, you could have been killed out there," she says making me take a deep breath to hold back tears. I was in no mood to deal with this speech

          "Faith, don't," my dad says to my mother making her look at him in shock. "I think Brooklynn needs some rest, and we can talk about this when she is feeling better and we aren't tired from the flight home," my dad says as he lets Brayden help me up the stairs to my room. I look back at him and mouth a 'thank you' and he smiles at me.


          It has been a week; a whole week without any word from Lexi about Tyler. I was going crazy trying to get ahold of them. I even went to their house and no one was home; a guy was there feeding the animal and he had nothing to offer me about any information of where they were or how Tyler was doing. I myself was already healing up, it still hurt to walk; but I got around. All our friends have been over a lot, and my parents haven't left on any trips since that night; which is understandable. I mean, I was already having a hard month with the Kellen thing, and now this!

          "How may I help you?" the nurse says as I walk into the hospital to the front desk. I offer her a small smile as my stomach tries to handle the smell of the hospital. I couldn't take the smell since the night of the accident with Kellen, it made me sick.

          "What room is Tyler Pierson in?" I asked as I tap my nails on the counter. I wait for her as her hands type away on her computer. I look around and see people waiting in the waiting room, some looked to me ill, the others maybe broken arms or other bones. Then someone got rushed into the ER, all I seen was a lot of blood.

          "It looks like she checked out four days ago dear," she says bringing me back to reality. I look at her confused before laughing a little.

          "That must be a mistake," I say making her shake her head.

          "Sorry dear, the system says that his aunt checked him out four days ago. That is all the information I can give you," she say making me nod. I walk out of the hospital and to my car, getting in and closing the door I lean my head back as I call Tyler again.

          "Hello?" he says picking up the phone finally. My heart races as a wave of relief washes over me.

          "Tyler, you scared the crap out of me!" I say as I hear nothing on the other end. "Why didn't you tell me you got out of the hospital?" I say in a soft hurt voice. I hear him let out a sigh and then some talking in the background.

          "I can't talk long Brooklynn. I didn't tell you because I figured it wasn't a big deal, and I couldn't go see you anyways. My aunt is making me stay with her for a few weeks until she feels I am able to go home. But I am fine," he says with a brief tone making me get a knot in my stomach.

          "Okay, well what did the doctor say?" I asked wanting to know what injuries he received.

          "I don't want to talk about it," he snaps over the phone making me jump a little. I hear him sigh again, "Sorry, I just, I'm tired and I don't really want to explain it all again. I just explained it to some family and that was enough for today. How are you tho?" he asked changing the subject.

          "Just some torn tendons, I will survive," I say making him groan.

          "You should have never went out in the woods at night Brooklynn, Lexi should have never asked you to do that," he says upset.

          "Lexi didn't ask me to go into the woods, that was my choice because I was worried about you. Good thing I did because that wolf could have killed you," I say making him laugh a little as a joke.

          "And if could have killed you, don't pull stuff like that. We had that talk, you can't be reckless," he says making me mad but I don't say anything about it.

          "Well, when are you going to be home?" I asked wanting to see him.

          "I don't know, but I have to go... Bye Brooklynn," he says and hangs up before I even have a chance to speak. I slowly lower my phone before letting out a groan of frustration.  What was going on with him? He was acting so different than before.  

Catching Feelings Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora