Untitled Part 21

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          I pushed myself up a little, the fall really hurt; but I wasn't about to slow down now. I tried getting to my feet, only to slip in the mud again and go right back down. It was beginning to get so muddy, I was sinking. As I noticed this, I quickly looked to Twilight who was also slowly sinking due to her weight. I crawled over to her and pushed on her back, making her lift her head and let out a cry.

          "Get up girl," I say as I try forcing her up, but a tiny girl like me trying to get such a huge animal to move, was never a good thing. She rocked a little and almost got to her feet, but as soon as that bad leg touched she went down. Somewhere in the process I had slipped and my leg was pinned under her; which hurt a heck of a lot let me tell you. We were both sinking now, and I was going down faster thanks to the extra weight put on me. I was trying my hardest to pull myself out, but it was only making me sink deeper. 

          The rain started coming down harder, and the little dip we were in between two hills was slowly filling with water, and the ground was getting softer; which meant sinking was going faster as well. As I tried twisting my body around to push the horse, another sound got my attention. The low growl from on top of the hill, but it wasn't one of the dogs. I looked up and seen the wolf, the nasty looking grey wolf that looked nothing like the ones you see in pictures. It's fur was falling off in patches it looked like, it had a scar on it's side where it looks to have been shot at least once, and it was larger than the average wolf. 

          "Shit," I whispered to myself as I tried making as little movement as possible. Wolves are more likely to attack a moving target, not a still one. I locked eyes with the wolf as Twilight decided now was a good time to try and get up. I was to slow and didn't get my foot out before she slammed back down, pulling me deeper into the mud. When I looked back at the hill, the wolf was gone. Panic set in, because I knew it was locked on us now, and they don't just leave without something.

          "Brooklynn!" I hear Braydens voice say from somewhere int he woods. As soon as I hear the growl again, this time down where we were, I panicked again.

          "Brayden down here!" I shout as I begin to try and get out again. I see the wolf walking slowly toward me with it's head down and teeth showing. I could barely see it with the rain falling so hard, but I knew it was there and I was as good as dead. 

          "Shit," I say as it runs at me. I close my eyes and then hear something collide with something else. I open my eyes and see all three dogs were on the wolf, slowly making it back up seeing that it was now out numbered. Ginger was bleeding on her nose, looks like she might have gotten bit or clawed by the wolf when we first ran into it. I watched as the three dogs barked and snapped at the wolf, making it back up and then run the other direction. Once the wolf was gone, the dogs ran over to me, licked me and barked as everyones voices got closer.

          "The dogs are down this hill," I hear Lexi says as I see them appear on the top of the hill, well, the boys and Lexi at least. Figures they made the girls stay behind. They all carefully slide down the hill and over to me.

          "My leg is under her," I say looking at the horse holding back pain. the weight had for sure done some damage to the leg, but I was worried about finding Tyler still.

          "Where's Tyler?" Lexi asked as the boys helped Twilight get to her feet long enough for Lexi to help me move. They carefully laid the horse back down and came to my side.

          "I fell down the hill and found the horse, Tyler wasn't here," I say as the boys look over my leg.

          "Are you two crazy!" Brayden says going into big brother mood. "You could have gotten seriously hurt or worse! You should have called us for help before coming out here," he says as the three dogs begin barking about fifty feet away from us.

          "Tyler!" Lexi shouts as she runs over to where the dogs are. Teagen helps me walk over as the two other boys are already over there. When we get there, I watch as Brayden and Jake pull Tyler away from the clutter of rocks he was laying in. I look around and see on the hill, Twilight must have slipped here, but when she realized Tyler wasn't on her, she tried finding a way out and ended up over there. 

          "Is he breathing?" I asked when I see the cut on his head, his ripped shirt and jeans, and a few cuts on him. I knew a fall like that on rock can never be good. 

          "Yes, but he need medical help," Jake says as they carefully pick him up and we make out way back to the house.

          It's been several hours since we arrived at the hospital, several hours since the woods. I got looked at and only suffered some torn tendons in my leg. After getting cleaned up and in non-muddy and wet clothes, I focused on Tyler. He was still being check on. Lexi had to go back to the house, Jake took her back, because she had to get someone out to get the horse out of where it was. So I called her and she said some of the rodeo guys went out and got her back to the barn where she was now resting and being cared for. Brayden was with me in my hospital room, on the phone explaining to my parents why we were at the hospital. I felt terrible for this happening, but Tyler needed to be found and it's a good thing we did.


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