Untitled Part 27

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        You know in the movies where something terrible goes wrong and everything seems to be going in slow motion? Yeah, well right now was one of those moments; as Jake and Teagen finally got over here and pulled the two boys apart. Jake held Tyler back because  let's be real, Jake was a little stronger than Teagen. Teagen held Eric back and made sure they were a good distance apart from each other. Eric was putting up a fight to get back at Tyler, but Tyler wasn't struggling; he was bent over with his hands on his knees and looking at the ground. I rushed over to him and bent down next to him.

          "Are you okay?" I whispered to him. He shakes his head yes, but I knew he was laying when he stood back up all the way and looked like he was about to pass out.

          "What the hell happened?" Jake asked looking at my face; which I had totally forgot about. Tyler seemed to have too because he looked at my face and then went to tackle Eric again but Jake was faster and held him back. I knew Jake and Teagen had the same idea as Tyler, but they avoided fights unless it was really bad.

          "Touch her again and I swear to god..." Tyler warns as I notice he stumbled a little as he took a step away from Jake.

          "You'll what? You think I give a shit," Eric says as Tyler bends back over to the position he was before and has his eyes closed. I quickly rush to him again and this time I could tell he wasn't okay. I knew that no one here besides me knew what was wrong, and that killed me because they couldn't help.

          "Are you alright dude?" Jake asked standing next to us looking a little worried himself. Tyler doesn't respond, he was focusing on his breathing. 

          "Jake go get your truck, he needs to go to the hospital," I say not explaining why. Jake quickly runs into the mess of cars that littered the streets from the party. After a few minutes Teagen lost his grip on Eric and Eric ran full force at Tyler and tackled him again; this time Tyler didn't put up a fight at all. 

          "Eric Stop!" I shouted as Teagen quickly pulled him off; well more like threw him off this time. Teagen noticed Tyler's shape as well and grabbed Eric by the shirt collar and pinned him to a near by tree. This was never good, when Teagen the funny, laid back one got pissed you better be scared.

          "I suggest you fucking leave, and if I see you around again, I will personally kick your ass," he warns letting go of Eric. Eric said nothing before walking away and disappearing into the car mess.

          "Tyler," I say getting on me knees next to him on the ground. He had his hand over his left upper body area; that was where they inserted his chemo tub. His eyes were shut tight and he looked like he was in a lot of pain. I moved his hand and seen that it was bleeding. They put a tiny plug type thing in it to stop it from bleeding while you aren't in chemo. I guess when Eric hit him or tackled him the plug got shifted.

          "Holy shit!" Teagen said as he looked at the blood. Jake pulled up in the truck right as he said it and ran over. He looked shocked when he seen the blood too.

          "What the hell happened?" he asked but I was to focused on getting Tyler to a hospital before it bleed more.

          "I'll tell you later, just help me," I say as he pulls Tyler up and we get him in the back of the truck. I make him sit up straight to maybe help the blood stop, but it wasn't helping at all. Jake was speeding toward the hospital and I could tell he was worried as well. We got to the hospital and we got him inside where nurses came to us.

          "What happened Brooklyn?" a nurse who has been helping Tyler asked me. I came him with him a lot when he was here lately, so the nurses know me pretty good now.

          "He got in a fight, I think his plug got hit... I don't know," I say in a panic. She places a hand on my shoulder as the other nurses take Tyler back in the ICU.

          "It's okay Brook, this has happened to patients before. All they have to do is take the plug out and put a new one in. He will be fine," she says as she walks away leaving me with the two boys; who looked very confused at what was happening.

          "A plug, as in the kind they use on chemo patients?" Jake asked looking at me.

          "Yeah.... Tyler has cancer and has been getting chemo the last several months. But he didn't want everyone to know so they didn't freak out about it. My family knows and his family, and now you guys," I say sitting down in the waiting room chairs with them.

          "Then why the hell is he getting into fights?" Teagen asked sitting back with his arms crossed; you could tell he was still mad at Eric, probably more so now.

          "Because that kid was trying to get him to drop out of the championship match coming up in a few months; not that it matters because Tyler won't be able to go anyways," I say making them look at me.

          "We both know that he will end up doing it, guys never just drop that kind of shit. I mean look at your brother, he was dead sick three years ago and still raced his final match of the year," Jake says making me frown; because I knew he was right, Tyler wouldn't just give up his spot. That honestly scared me, because he couldn't take a tackle tonight without his plug coming out; how does he think he can handle being whipped around on horses and bulls?

          We were in the hospital for several hours. Brayden and Adalynn ended up coming in to see how Tyler was and how I was doing. Brayden was less than thrilled when he seen my lip, but he was happy Tyler was there and at least did something to help. Adalynn sat and talked to me while the boys had their own conversation. We talked about the baby and guessed if it would be a boy or a girl. I was going with girl just because she had been craving sweet things; and that is a sign of it being a girl I read somewhere. I was excited to be an aunt, like you have no idea. But right now, I am taking one thing at a time; and Tyler was my top concern right now.

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