Part 15

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            I was in no way, shape, or form about to spend another night in that house. Every time I would look around my room, my eyes landed on the pictures, the books, everything that connected me with that one person. My heart couldn't take it anymore, the constant pain that hit me every time I thought about it. It seemed like yesterday I was running down the street toward the familiar grey house at the corner of the block. I remember that house like the back of my hand, the grey siding, black shingled roof. I remember the white window frames, that the paint was slowly chipping off from.

            There was so many memories in that house, a lot of long nights spent having bonfires in the backyard. Many tears were shed there, and many more laughs linger around the house. I always loved the smell, you know the one where you walk into the house and right away you are welcomed with a warm smell. This house had that, a welcoming scent of tropical breeze. The smell sent all your problems away, and you were left with a warm environment where you could be yourself and enjoy your stay. 

            So as I sit here, at this party, everything was spinning around my head. I didn't even know any of these people here, all I know is I was starting to go numb. All the memories were disappearing with each shot I took. I wasn't one to drink or party, but tonight es different, tonight I just wanted all the pain to stop. I was aware of my phone was going off every five seconds, calls and text from my brother and the boys, Anna, Kim and Claire. I didn't want to answer tho, I didn't want them to know that I wasn't handling this as good as they think I am. I was a mess, in every way I was slowly falling apart. 

            "Excuse me," a voice says making me snap out of the trans I was currently in. I look up from my seat at the kitchen bar and see a blonde haired boy looking at me a little concerned.

            "Oh my, was this your seat? I am so sorry," I say as I struggle to get up. I almost fall and he catches me and looks at me as he helps me stand.

            "I think it's time for you to leave," he says with a small laugh as he carefully helps me walk around the crowds of people all around us. The room was spinning and my stomach was doing flips. How long have I been at this party? Where were we going?

            "I didn't drink that much did I?" I ask myself out loud making the guy laugh again as we reach the front yard and go toward the road.

            "Actually, you were like nine shots in before I walked over," he says making me groan. I watch as he begins walking toward a car. Know, I know I am drunk and all, but I do know when something isn't feeling right. This right here, I had a bad feeling about.

            "I actually have someone waiting for me, I should really go," I say pushing away from the boy but he kind of holds me in place. I look at his hand on my arm and then back at him, my stomach launches in over-drive and I begin to panic.

            "Please, just let me give you a ride home," He says pulling me back toward him. I try to pull away but it wasn't working. As soon as I felt his grip tighten I knew it was over, there was no way in the state I was in, that I was going to be able to fight this guy off. 

             "Hunter, what are you doing?" A blonde hair girl says walking over. As soon as he sees the girl he lets my arm go and welcomes the girl with open arms. I take the chance and walk away, I didn't know where I was going, but it wasn't anywhere near that party. 

            It began raining about ten minutes after I began walking. It was weird, because as soon as I hit the cemetery it started. My hair was a mess, my make-up was running down my face. My wrist had a new bruise on it from where that boy had a tight grip on me. I felt like I could puke at any given moment. On top of it all, I was sitting in the mud at the foot of an all to familiar grave with tears pouring down my face. Of course, you can't tell with all the rain. I decided that I couldn't handle it anymore, I couldn't handle all the pain by myself.

            "Hello?" I hear a sleepy voice on the other end of the phone after I dialed the only number I could think of at the moment.

            "I can't...." was all I could get out before breaking down in tears.

            I sat in that mud for another ten minutes before headlights came racing up in the parking lot. It was now pouring cats and dogs outside, but I could still barely hear the door of a truck being slammed shut. I was curled up against the grave now, clinging to it for dear life as I hear footsteps splashing in the water and mud toward me. 

            "Brooklyn," Tyler's voice says over the sound of the rain falling around me. I refused to look at him tho, because I was a mess. Not only a mess, but I was emotionally drained in every way possible. I wanted nothing more than to just sit here in this spot and waste away. I felt someone lifting me up, one arm under my legs, and the other around my back, bridal style. I went from clinging to the the grave, to clinging onto Tyler like my life depended on it. I felt like, if I let go I was going to lose him too. I've had enough people slip away, I couldn't handle another one doing the same thing. 

            "Here," Tyler says setting me in the passenger seat, rushing to the drivers seat and getting in. He quickly turned the heat in the car on and then pulled out a jacket from his back seat. Carefully, he placed it around my shoulders and looked at me for a moment. I was still in tears, covered in mud, shivering.

            "I just want to sleep," I whisper as I watch him take my phone from my pocket.

            "Hello, is this Brooklyns brother?" he says over the phone. I was to tired to stop him, because I passed out and didn't hear the rest of the conversation. 

Catching Feelings Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora