Part 10

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            It's been two weeks and here I was, sitting in the stands of a rodeo. Anna came with of course in her country outfit. I also wore some plaid shirt and ripped jeans, along with my cowgirl boots that now Anna knows about. I made her promise not to tell anyone I had them tho, last thing I needed was to hear all the crap for that. As we sit here, I notice all the girls that were here cheering and showing a lot of skin. I was jealous because I am sure Tyler enjoyed it just like the other rodeo fellas that were here. I felt out of place because I wasn't showing anything, and girls noticed and gave me funny looks like I was some sort of freak.

          "Come on, this is so cool!" Anna says with excitement. I roll my eyes at her and look around in hopes of seeing Tyler somewhere. 

           "Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the 2015 Rodeo! We are please to announce that this being the third month of competition, the finals in slowly approaching and we are hoping to see all of you there in the near future. Tyler Pierson has been ranking in the points all season, earning the top spot in finals. Also, we have Eric in second, hoping that he can steal the first place spot for our state in the World round. It really all comes down to the leading rodeos leading up to it. Only one can go on to win, and these two have been fighting it out all year long. Let the night begin," the announcer says from the middle of the ring. 

           We watch as several guys go a few rounds, and my lord, it scared me. Watching guys get whipped around and thrown off the bulls, it was a surprise that none of them got seriously hurt. I watched as the boy who was mentioned earlier was up, Eric I think was his name. He had a smile on his face as he sat and waited for the gate to open. He made it 8.7 seconds, and to win the first place spot you have to at least make it to 10 seconds. He looked a little upset about it, but he was leading right now. 

          "Alright, the last run of the night, Tyler Pierson. This kid has been one to watch this year, nothing is slowing him down. Rodeo he is at the top, and for horse he is on top. We are in for a show tonight," the announcer says again as he leaves the ring. We watch as Tyler gets on a huge bull, and all the girls shout and scream. I mean, calm down ladies he is just one guy.

         The crowd is silent for a moment as Tyler calmly focuses on the bull he is on, then suddenly the gates fly open and the bull takes off. We were all on our feet shouting as the Bull whips him around like nothing, but Tyler never lost his grip. The clock hit 8.9 and he was thrown off, rolling on the ground and the rodeo clowns get the bull back into the gate. Tyler pushed himself to his feet and brushed off, girls were cheering as he put his hat back on. I was standing with Anna right by the gate, and he locked eyes with me. I simply smiled at him as he ignored all the screaming girls as he walked over to us.

          "First place, Pretty impressive," I say making him laugh and take his hat off. He puts it on my head and winks at me.

          "Looks better on you," he says as he walks away and back to the area behind the bull gate.. I smile as all the girls glare at me and Anna. I laugh and push the hat on so it won't fall off. 

          After the rodeo, Anna and I went to the bar across the lot. Yes, we were allowed in because it was a diner as well. Actually everyone from the rodeo was currently here and having a small party. Anna of course got hooked on those country guys and was inside talking to them, while I was standing out on the deck which wrapped all the way around the building. 

          "Perfect night, the stars are out. No city lights getting in the way, perfect lighting to see a fine lady like yourself," someone says from behind me. I turn around and come face to face with Eric, I recognize him from the rodeo.

          "Yeah, it is kind of nice out," I say rubbing my arm like I was cold, when really I felt uncomfortable because he was staring at me. 

           "I haven't seen you in the crowd before tonight, and someone like you sure catches a fellas eye," he says with a smile as he just keeps looking at me.

            "I just thought I should check it out," I say playing with the rip on my jeans to keep myself calm. I got anxiety around new people, people who I feel like can't be trusted.

            "I see that Tyler decided to give you his hat.... You're lucky," he says making someone laugh. I know that laugh tho and I find my body relaxing a little as Tyler comes to my side.

            "She is very lucky, since she is a friend," Tyler says making Eric cross his arms and smirk.

            "A friend? Someone like her doesn't just come around very often, where did you find this one Ty? I mean, out of all the girls around here that are willing to give everything up to us rodeo guys, you choose the one who is completely covered and not into the whole hook up stuff," Eric says completely changing his attitude toward me.

            "Actually she is better that everyone else, because she isn't all over the guys. I think that is pretty amazing if you ask me, but you wouldn't know because of all the hoes you take home," Tyler shoots back with a smile.

            "She is nothing more than a piece of meat Tyler boy," he says...................

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