Part 2

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Figures, the first official day of summer and it is raining out. I didn't really have anything to do today to begin with, other than maybe go down to the track with my brother and the two idiots he calls his friends. Okay lets be honest, Teagen and Jacob were honestly around so much when I grew up, that they are basically my brothers too. That is the best part about the track, we meet people who really make an impression on our lives, and those two just so happen to be those people.

Teagen was an only child, therefore his parents really weren't around a lot and he got bored as a kid. Being bored lead to him being involved in a number of small crimes, but when he found the track things changed. My dad talked to him several times before he let him in, telling him how there was no crimes aloud here and if there was, he would report him right away. Teagen met my brother Brayden soon after and the two clicked right away, that is when we learned that he was an only child with parents who were never around. So, my parents welcomed him with open arms to come and go at our house as he please. Which was okay to me, because he acted as another brother figure toward me right away.

Then there is Jacob, that boy was a whole different story. You would think being into the racing thing and being friends with Brayden and Teagen that he would be as bad as them, but trust me, he was far from it when they first met. Jacob was in several classes with me, because he was my age and all. Anyways, I noticed how he was so silent and never talked to anyone around school or in class. I decided one day to just go up and talk to him, and we clicked instantly. After a few weeks of being friends I showed him the track, and I got Brayden and Teagen to agree to help him let loose a little. Boy was that a mistake, now Jacob was just like them, loud and a trouble maker, but also another brother figure toward me.

It's funny how you just meet random strangers one day, and the next you are best friends and like family. The four of us have been inseparable since those days, almost fourteen years of friendship and still going strong. I can say there are those days where I wish they would all just go away, but everybody has that with their brother, and his friends in my case.

"Brooklyn!" I hear my brother shout from downstairs. I groan before getting out of my nice warm blanket and stomp my way down the hall to the stairs.

"What do you want!" I shout back not getting an answer back. I let out a sigh and walk down the stairs and look around the living room, empty Where is he? I walk around the corner to go into the kitchen and right away I was greeted with the sight of my grandparents.

"Hey guys!" I greet as I hug them both and sit with them at the bar.

"Oh Brooklyn, how have you been?" My grandma asked as she sips on her tea, which she must have just made because it was steaming still.

"Oh you know, staying out of trouble," I say looking over at Brayden as he glares at me.

"Which is what this young boy should be doing," my grandpa said making me laugh.

"You leave him alone, he is a good boy," My grandma says making my grandpa smile, because she knew he was just teasing us.

"When do your parents get home?" grandpa asked.

"I think tonight actually," Brayden says looking at his phone, figures he would forget when they get back.

"Wonderful, how about a family dinner tonight then. I will call Morgan and Landon, Sam be a dear and call Jay up," she says mentioning our other grandpa. I smile at my grandpa when he gives her the look, he hated calling people, but he had no choice.

"Well, I am going to go to my friends house," I say grabbing my bag and walking to the garage. I was seriously dressed in sweatpants and a tank top, not even caring because why should I?

It took me almost ten minutes to get to the house, because people drive so slow in the rain. Like honestly people, it is rain! It's not going to kill you or anything, go normal speeds. It bugged me when people drove slow, once again that being because I grew up on racing. It is kind of a curse if you think about it.

"Open the door!" I shout as I bang on the front door of my friends house. I hear the click and seconds later Claire was standing before me.

Claire Walcott was hands down my best friend. I have know here for at least thirteen years now, and we knew every single little detail about each other. I can't remember a single time where she wasn't there for me or I wasn't there for her, we are super close. Although, we are those friends that get into a lot of trouble together, like in school. We always get yelled at for laughing and talking during class, and what do they expect when they place us next to each other in class. Anyways, Claire was super beautiful with her long black hair and bright green eyes. She was way prettier than me, I had light brown hair and blue eyes. I didn't see myself as pretty on any level, in fact, I hated everything about myself. I didn't love my hair, my eyes, my skin color, or my body in general.

"Dude, we have to hit up this party that Kim is having tonight!" Claire says as we go up to her room and sit on the bed.

"I don't do parties Claire," I say as she walks around looking for something.

"Tonight you do," she says making me give her a disapproving look.

"My parents come home tonight and we have a family dinner," I say making her look at me with a smile

"Party starts at 11, so you just sneak out," she says making me shake my head.

"No way," I say laying back on the bed and looking at the ceiling fan.

"Have Brayden cover for you, you cover his ass all the time," she says with a small laugh, because it was true. Brayden always sneaks out and I always cover for him when he doesn't show up till the next day.

"Yeah right, like he would agree to that. He wouldn't want me going to a party anyways," I say knowing my brother and how protective he was over me.

"Please, for me! I mean, it's my birthday tomorrow and I want to have a good night with my friend. A friend who never goes out and does anything outside her comfort zone," She says making me groan. She would pull that birthday card on me, always does.

"Fine, but I am not drinking and we are not staying to late," I finally agree making her the happiest person alive at the moment. I was so going to regret agreeing to this.

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